Created with Highcharts 9.3.2Chart context menuThe 7 genes which have the highest correlation withnol7(nol7)And the 7 genes which have the highest correlation with them

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gene1 id gene1 symbol gene2 id gene2 symbol R2 ranks for R2 in gene1
1. nol7 nol7 LOC110505757 cinp 0.81 1
2. nol7 nol7 ttc1 LOC106567425 0.77 2
3. nol7 nol7 LOC110500213 LOC106609216 0.77 3
4. nol7 nol7 mrpl35 LOC106597610 0.76 4
5. nol7 nol7 LOC110486017 LOC106585917 0.74 5
6. nol7 nol7 LOC110486046 NA 0.74 6
7. nol7 nol7 LOC110488230 mtx1 0.74 7
gene1 id gene1 symbol gene2 id gene2 symbol R2 ranks for R2 in gene1
1. ttc1 LOC106567425 LOC110510146 mrpl17 0.83 1
2. ttc1 LOC106567425 LOC110532380 LOC106572003 0.81 2
3. ttc1 LOC106567425 LOC110538313 LOC106601291 0.81 3
4. ttc1 LOC106567425 LOC110536320 LOC106585172 0.81 4
5. ttc1 LOC106567425 cxxc1b LOC106565764 0.81 5
6. ttc1 LOC106567425 LOC110531882 LOC106577492 0.81 6
7. ttc1 LOC106567425 LOC110506722 LOC106562375 0.80 7
8. LOC110486017 LOC106585917 LOC110508966 u2af2 0.88 1
9. LOC110486017 LOC106585917 LOC110532103 mapre1 0.88 2
10. LOC110486017 LOC106585917 LOC110533179 LOC106602594 0.87 3
11. LOC110486017 LOC106585917 LOC110504747 maea 0.87 4
12. LOC110486017 LOC106585917 rhot2 rhot2 0.87 5
13. LOC110486017 LOC106585917 LOC110494693 LOC106566045 0.86 6
14. LOC110486017 LOC106585917 LOC110521087 LOC106608196 0.85 7
15. LOC110486046 NA lyrm7 lyrm7 0.86 1
16. LOC110486046 NA LOC110486476 LOC106601291 0.85 2
17. LOC110486046 NA mrpl21 LOC106561938 0.85 3
18. LOC110486046 NA LOC110488230 mtx1 0.83 4
19. LOC110486046 NA LOC110531882 LOC106577492 0.83 5
20. LOC110486046 NA LOC110521232 LOC106584709 0.83 6
21. LOC110486046 NA c16h16orf91 NA 0.82 7
22. mrpl35 LOC106597610 nol7 nol7 0.76 1
23. mrpl35 LOC106597610 chchd1 chch1 0.74 2
24. mrpl35 LOC106597610 cdc26 cdc26 0.71 3
25. mrpl35 LOC106597610 LOC110509120 mplkip 0.71 4
26. mrpl35 LOC106597610 LOC110522264 mpv17 0.70 5
27. mrpl35 LOC106597610 LOC110495990 hax1 0.68 6
28. mrpl35 LOC106597610 LOC110505757 cinp 0.68 7
29. LOC110500213 LOC106609216 LOC110521982 LOC106607651 0.85 1
30. LOC110500213 LOC106609216 ppih ppih 0.83 2
31. LOC110500213 LOC106609216 LOC110525744 LOC105025588 0.83 3
32. LOC110500213 LOC106609216 LOC110531598 pfdn2 0.82 4
33. LOC110500213 LOC106609216 ptcd3 ptcd3 0.82 5
34. LOC110500213 LOC106609216 crnkl1 LOC106571265 0.81 6
35. LOC110500213 LOC106609216 LOC110486017 LOC106585917 0.80 7
36. LOC110505757 cinp nol7 nol7 0.81 1
37. LOC110505757 cinp LOC110486017 LOC106585917 0.80 2
38. LOC110505757 cinp dpm1 LOC106572108 0.77 3
39. LOC110505757 cinp LOC110521982 LOC106607651 0.77 4
40. LOC110505757 cinp LOC110508313 lsm7 0.76 5
41. LOC110505757 cinp LOC110500213 LOC106609216 0.76 6
42. LOC110505757 cinp LOC110529434 LOC106571223 0.76 7
43. LOC110488230 mtx1 LOC110502886 LOC106609527 0.86 1
44. LOC110488230 mtx1 LOC110486046 NA 0.83 2
45. LOC110488230 mtx1 ptcd3 ptcd3 0.82 3
46. LOC110488230 mtx1 nars2 nars2 0.82 4
47. LOC110488230 mtx1 mrps26 mrps26 0.81 5
48. LOC110488230 mtx1 ecsit ecsit 0.80 6
49. LOC110488230 mtx1 LOC110509895 fam136a 0.80 7