Created with Highcharts 9.3.2Chart context menuThe 7 genes which have the highest correlation withLOC110530040(LOC106568735)And the 7 genes which have the highest correlation with them

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gene1 id gene1 symbol gene2 id gene2 symbol R2 ranks for R2 in gene1
1. LOC110530040 LOC106568735 apoc4 NA 0.60 1
2. LOC110530040 LOC106568735 LOC110530539 LOC106569401 0.59 2
3. LOC110530040 LOC106568735 si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 0.59 3
4. LOC110530040 LOC106568735 rbp4 rbp 0.59 4
5. LOC110530040 LOC106568735 LOC110502723 LOC106613509 0.59 5
6. LOC110530040 LOC106568735 LOC110494647 glyctk 0.59 6
7. LOC110530040 LOC106568735 LOC110529376 LOC106571173 0.58 7
gene1 id gene1 symbol gene2 id gene2 symbol R2 ranks for R2 in gene1
1. apoc4 NA si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 0.94 1
2. apoc4 NA LOC110490052 LOC106612366 0.94 2
3. apoc4 NA LOC110502723 LOC106613509 0.93 3
4. apoc4 NA LOC110493703 LOC106564885 0.92 4
5. apoc4 NA apoc2 LOC100135886 0.92 5
6. apoc4 NA hpda hpd 0.92 6
7. apoc4 NA LOC110507316 fa9 0.91 7
8. LOC110529376 LOC106571173 LOC110490758 LOC106576198 0.94 1
9. LOC110529376 LOC106571173 serpind1 LOC106603687 0.93 2
10. LOC110529376 LOC106571173 LOC110503941 LOC106612935 0.93 3
11. LOC110529376 LOC106571173 LOC110533697 LOC106603572 0.93 4
12. LOC110529376 LOC106571173 si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 0.93 5
13. LOC110529376 LOC106571173 LOC110528965 LOC106577007 0.92 6
14. LOC110529376 LOC106571173 LOC110524468 LOC106613935 0.92 7
15. LOC110530539 LOC106569401 adamts13 adamts13 0.93 1
16. LOC110530539 LOC106569401 LOC110490052 LOC106612366 0.93 2
17. LOC110530539 LOC106569401 LOC110528965 LOC106577007 0.92 3
18. LOC110530539 LOC106569401 LOC110490758 LOC106576198 0.92 4
19. LOC110530539 LOC106569401 hpda hpd 0.92 5
20. LOC110530539 LOC106569401 igsf5b LOC106581125 0.91 6
21. LOC110530539 LOC106569401 si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 0.91 7
22. LOC110494647 glyctk igsf5b LOC106581125 0.93 1
23. LOC110494647 glyctk hpda hpd 0.92 2
24. LOC110494647 glyctk LOC110528965 LOC106577007 0.91 3
25. LOC110494647 glyctk LOC110530539 LOC106569401 0.91 4
26. LOC110494647 glyctk serpind1 LOC106603687 0.91 5
27. LOC110494647 glyctk LOC110489574 hgd 0.90 6
28. LOC110494647 glyctk LOC110490758 LOC106576198 0.90 7
29. rbp4 rbp LOC110489574 hgd 0.93 1
30. rbp4 rbp si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 0.92 2
31. rbp4 rbp hpda hpd 0.92 3
32. rbp4 rbp mlsl LOC106611776 0.92 4
33. rbp4 rbp adamts13 adamts13 0.91 5
34. rbp4 rbp LOC110490758 LOC106576198 0.91 6
35. rbp4 rbp LOC110503941 LOC106612935 0.91 7
36. LOC110502723 LOC106613509 si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 0.96 1
37. LOC110502723 LOC106613509 LOC110495527 LOC106575752 0.94 2
38. LOC110502723 LOC106613509 apoc4 NA 0.93 3
39. LOC110502723 LOC106613509 f2 LOC106587117 0.93 4
40. LOC110502723 LOC106613509 LOC110528965 LOC106577007 0.93 5
41. LOC110502723 LOC106613509 serpind1 LOC106603687 0.93 6
42. LOC110502723 LOC106613509 pfc pfc 0.93 7
43. si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 LOC110529597 LOC106571394 0.96 1
44. si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 serpind1 LOC106603687 0.96 2
45. si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 LOC110490052 LOC106612366 0.96 3
46. si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 LOC110502723 LOC106613509 0.96 4
47. si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 LOC110507316 fa9 0.95 5
48. si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 LOC110490758 LOC106576198 0.95 6
49. si:ch1073-416d2.3 LOC106611008 f2 LOC106587117 0.95 7