Created with Highcharts 9.3.2Chart context menuThe 7 genes which have the highest correlation withtaok2b(LOC106579406)And the 7 genes which have the highest correlation with them

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gene1 id gene1 symbol gene2 id gene2 symbol R2 ranks for R2 in gene1
1. taok2b LOC106579406 LOC110510150 LOC106563687 0.85 1
2. taok2b LOC106579406 LOC110525977 LOC106576859 0.84 2
3. taok2b LOC106579406 vatg1 LOC106567829 0.84 3
4. taok2b LOC106579406 stx16 LOC106565427 0.83 4
5. taok2b LOC106579406 LOC110497806 LOC106599634 0.83 5
6. taok2b LOC106579406 LOC110520232 LOC106586350 0.83 6
7. taok2b LOC106579406 LOC110533325 LOC106603890 0.82 7
gene1 id gene1 symbol gene2 id gene2 symbol R2 ranks for R2 in gene1
1. LOC110525977 LOC106576859 LOC110536397 LOC106570810 0.91 1
2. LOC110525977 LOC106576859 LOC110497806 LOC106599634 0.90 2
3. LOC110525977 LOC106576859 LOC110537214 NA 0.89 3
4. LOC110525977 LOC106576859 LOC110537014 LOC106568411 0.89 4
5. LOC110525977 LOC106576859 LOC110533779 LOC106603362 0.89 5
6. LOC110525977 LOC106576859 G2194918 NA 0.89 6
7. LOC110525977 LOC106576859 LOC110501278 LOC106581673 0.88 7
8. LOC110520232 LOC106586350 stx12 LOC106570663 0.87 1
9. LOC110520232 LOC106586350 LOC110510150 LOC106563687 0.86 2
10. LOC110520232 LOC106586350 ube2na ube2n 0.84 3
11. LOC110520232 LOC106586350 LOC110536244 LOC106580492 0.83 4
12. LOC110520232 LOC106586350 LOC110532278 LOC105027762 0.83 5
13. LOC110520232 LOC106586350 taok2b LOC106579406 0.83 6
14. LOC110520232 LOC106586350 LOC110505710 spred1 0.82 7
15. vatg1 LOC106567829 LOC110531955 143b2 0.87 1
16. vatg1 LOC106567829 LOC110503499 ap2s1 0.85 2
17. vatg1 LOC106567829 LOC110497806 LOC106599634 0.84 3
18. vatg1 LOC106567829 taok2b LOC106579406 0.84 4
19. vatg1 LOC106567829 LOC110525977 LOC106576859 0.83 5
20. vatg1 LOC106567829 stx16 LOC106565427 0.82 6
21. vatg1 LOC106567829 fam177a1 LOC106611178 0.82 7
22. LOC110533325 LOC106603890 LOC110497806 LOC106599634 0.83 1
23. LOC110533325 LOC106603890 taok2b LOC106579406 0.82 2
24. LOC110533325 LOC106603890 LOC110525977 LOC106576859 0.82 3
25. LOC110533325 LOC106603890 vatg1 LOC106567829 0.82 4
26. LOC110533325 LOC106603890 LOC110520825 LOC106605761 0.81 5
27. LOC110533325 LOC106603890 G1399398 NA 0.81 6
28. LOC110533325 LOC106603890 LOC110503951 LOC106613034 0.79 7
29. stx16 LOC106565427 rsf1a LOC106612877 0.88 1
30. stx16 LOC106565427 pabpn1 LOC106579615 0.87 2
31. stx16 LOC106565427 LOC110488938 LOC106604531 0.86 3
32. stx16 LOC106565427 LOC110489732 wdr48 0.85 4
33. stx16 LOC106565427 LOC110528986 LOC106577009 0.85 5
34. stx16 LOC106565427 LOC110538643 LOC106601605 0.84 6
35. stx16 LOC106565427 LOC110531955 143b2 0.83 7
36. LOC110497806 LOC106599634 LOC110525977 LOC106576859 0.90 1
37. LOC110497806 LOC106599634 LOC110501278 LOC106581673 0.87 2
38. LOC110497806 LOC106599634 LOC110537014 LOC106568411 0.86 3
39. LOC110497806 LOC106599634 LOC110531955 143b2 0.86 4
40. LOC110497806 LOC106599634 LOC110536397 LOC106570810 0.85 5
41. LOC110497806 LOC106599634 LOC110485308 LOC106601924 0.85 6
42. LOC110497806 LOC106599634 purbb LOC106562912 0.85 7
43. LOC110510150 LOC106563687 LOC110503499 ap2s1 0.90 1
44. LOC110510150 LOC106563687 fam177a1 LOC106611178 0.89 2
45. LOC110510150 LOC106563687 LOC110536244 LOC106580492 0.88 3
46. LOC110510150 LOC106563687 stx12 LOC106570663 0.88 4
47. LOC110510150 LOC106563687 LOC110504986 LOC106611761 0.88 5
48. LOC110510150 LOC106563687 LOC110488938 LOC106604531 0.88 6
49. LOC110510150 LOC106563687 LOC110532278 LOC105027762 0.88 7