
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id LOC110491108
gene name NA
gene type coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048566.1
NCBI id CM023220.2
chromosome length 103806877
location 50678814 ~ 50689147 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





PREDICTED: transposon Tf2-1 polyprotein


id name namespace
GO:0006412 translation biological_process
GO:0015074 DNA integration biological_process
GO:0005840 ribosome cellular_component
GO:0003676 nucleic acid binding molecular_function
GO:0003735 structural constituent of ribosome molecular_function



RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XR_002468779.2 True 1324 mRNA 0.52 5 50678814 50689147


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
zgc:56585 pgdh coding upstream 98598 50575416 ~ 50580216 (+)
LOC110515922 faxdc2 coding upstream 208689 50460347 ~ 50470125 (+)
LOC110510939 faxdc2 coding upstream 245258 50424133 ~ 50433556 (+)
LOC110491046 LOC106560687 coding upstream 442588 50223738 ~ 50236226 (+)
LOC110491040 LOC106560688 coding upstream 480129 50181300 ~ 50198685 (+)
LOC110491126 LOC106602822 coding downstream 28433 50717580 ~ 50884089 (+)
LOC110491193 LOC106560681 coding downstream 270984 50960131 ~ 50972173 (+)
sat2b sat2 coding downstream 293811 50982958 ~ 51008552 (+)
LOC110491259 LOC106560678 coding downstream 378344 51067491 ~ 51087131 (+)
LOC118944166 NA coding downstream 405576 51094723 ~ 51094847 (+)
G154591 NA non-coding upstream 78663 50599718 ~ 50600151 (+)
G154592 NA non-coding upstream 90091 50588429 ~ 50588723 (+)
G154594 NA non-coding upstream 91225 50587274 ~ 50587589 (+)
G154593 NA non-coding upstream 92625 50585533 ~ 50586189 (+)
G154584 NA non-coding upstream 110059 50568324 ~ 50568755 (+)
G154662 NA non-coding downstream 43758 50732905 ~ 50733216 (+)
G154663 NA non-coding downstream 44342 50733489 ~ 50783570 (+)
G154664 NA non-coding downstream 44476 50733623 ~ 50735681 (+)
G154669 NA non-coding downstream 67824 50756971 ~ 50778278 (+)
G154679 NA non-coding downstream 97210 50786357 ~ 50786953 (+)
LOC110491026 LOC106560691 other upstream 578340 50098387 ~ 50100624 (+)
G152167 NA other upstream 2121128 48556782 ~ 48557686 (+)
G150997 NA other upstream 3131235 47497948 ~ 47547579 (+)
uevld uevld other upstream 3693588 46981686 ~ 47007672 (+)
G148191 NA other upstream 5186435 45472082 ~ 45492379 (+)
G154859 NA other downstream 476268 51165415 ~ 51167174 (+)
LOC110501653 LOC106560673 other downstream 632649 51317121 ~ 51339537 (+)
rl28 rl28 other downstream 723119 51412121 ~ 51417154 (+)
G155541 NA other downstream 731700 51420847 ~ 51421122 (+)
G156000 LOC106560791 other downstream 1127363 51816510 ~ 51824182 (+)


Co-expression Network