tmem196b (tmem196b,LOC107596721,LOC107685588,LOC107728522,LOC107684562,LOC107550817)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id tmem196b
gene name tmem196b,LOC107596721,LOC107685588,LOC107728522,LOC107684562,LOC107550817
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056714.1
NCBI id CM032083.1
chromosome length 28146790
location 11999570 ~ 12000907 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
tmem196b Predicted to be located in membrane. Predicted to be integral component of membrane. Orthologous to human TMEM196 (transmembrane protein 196).


PREDICTED: transmembrane protein 196-like




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043261680.1 True 498 mRNA 0.55 3 11999570 12000907


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
twist1b twist1b,twist1,LOC107684561,LOC107596643,LOC107728521,LOC107550839 coding downstream 12120 11985634 ~ 11987450 (-)
ankrd28b ankrd44,ankrd28b,LOC107685545,LOC107745379,LOC107550837,LOC107596646,LOC107684548 coding downstream 113921 11869198 ~ 11885649 (-)
hacl1 hacl1,LOC107743162,LOC107685543,LOC107745383,LOC107684560 coding downstream 134387 11855021 ~ 11865183 (-)
colq colq,LOC107743227,LOC107745382,LOC107684559,LOC107685587 coding downstream 144576 11839901 ~ 11854994 (-)
fkbp14 fkbp14,LOC107596753,LOC107743226,LOC107685615,LOC107550815,LOC107745381 coding downstream 176019 11820787 ~ 11823551 (-)
macc1 LOC107743168,LOC107685548,LOC107596642,LOC107728525,LOC107684550,LOC107550840 coding upstream 6550 12007457 ~ 12012944 (-)
sp8b sp8b,LOC107685617,LOC107596752,LOC107728520,LOC107743231,LOC107684564,LOC101158882 coding upstream 35000 12035907 ~ 12040947 (-)
rapgef5b LOC107596719,LOC107685551,LOC107581543,LOC107728526,LOC107674937,LOC107743169 coding upstream 154863 12155770 ~ 12203088 (-)
si:ch211-254p10.2 LOC107685554,LOC107596717,LOC107752844,LOC102209663 coding upstream 207198 12208105 ~ 12214349 (-)
slc6a19b slc6a19b,LOC107743232,LOC107662664,LOC107685553,LOC107596751,LOC105905464 coding upstream 215949 12216856 ~ 12226949 (-)
G111668 NA non-coding downstream 15924 11983379 ~ 11983646 (-)
G111661 NA non-coding downstream 55615 11942364 ~ 11943955 (-)
G111639 NA non-coding downstream 179792 11818459 ~ 11819778 (-)
LOC122360397 NA non-coding downstream 215236 11783695 ~ 11784334 (-)
G111625 NA non-coding downstream 218398 11780787 ~ 11781172 (-)
G111680 NA non-coding upstream 31686 12032593 ~ 12035126 (-)
G111688 NA non-coding upstream 74690 12075597 ~ 12076159 (-)
G111689 NA non-coding upstream 75546 12076453 ~ 12077007 (-)
G111690 NA non-coding upstream 79745 12080652 ~ 12080853 (-)
G111712 NA non-coding upstream 136554 12137461 ~ 12137772 (-)
LOC122361049 c16h2orf66,LOC107743229 other downstream 132255 11865680 ~ 11867315 (-)
G111490 si:dkey-12j5.1,LOC107738871,LOC107549224,LOC107689883,LOC107717803,LOC108256403,LOC108426361,LOC107593733 other downstream 587793 11410678 ~ 11411777 (-)
LOC122360600 enpp2,LOC107757440,LOC107745056,LOC107697648,LOC107574906,LOC107681346 other downstream 612577 11333175 ~ 11386993 (-)
G111450 mal2,LOC107757438,LOC107571097,LOC107677950,LOC107738940 other downstream 713138 11269620 ~ 11286432 (-)
LOC122360812 cobl,LOC107746964,LOC107684220,LOC107551210 other downstream 1116146 10857520 ~ 10883424 (-)
rxrbb rxrbb,rxrba,LOC107596638,LOC107581542,LOC107752838,LOC107743171,LOC107566635 other upstream 362878 12363785 ~ 12378449 (-)
zgc:92606 zgc:92606,LOC107724707,LOC107549485,LOC107598403,LOC107672985,LOC107744286,LOC108432344 other upstream 1653153 13654060 ~ 13683909 (-)
G112478 NA other upstream 2233647 14234554 ~ 14301619 (-)
dicp3.3 NA other upstream 2497356 14498263 ~ 14503136 (-)
LOC122359961 riiad1 other upstream 2581572 14582479 ~ 14587869 (-)


Co-expression Network