LOC122346598 (LOC107673517,LOC107711045,LOC107580698)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id LOC122346598
gene name LOC107673517,LOC107711045,LOC107580698
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056704.1
NCBI id CM032073.1
chromosome length 27473687
location 15601432 ~ 15603448 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome





PREDICTED: mitochondrial intermembrane space import and assembly protein 40-A-like



id description
K17782 MIA40, CHCHD4; mitochondrial intermembrane space import and assembly protein 40


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043241327.1 True 1218 mRNA 0.37 3 15601432 15603448


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC122346414 uroc1 coding downstream 586 15594363 ~ 15600846 (-)
sgip1a sgip1,LOC107659047 coding downstream 207309 15344929 ~ 15394123 (-)
LOC122346434 pars2,LOC107659014,LOC107590619,LOC107591164,LOC107709182,LOC107738922,LOC107692369 coding downstream 267499 15331236 ~ 15333933 (-)
LOC122346855 LOC107556984,LOC107731622,LOC107692431,LOC107675940,LOC107594634 coding downstream 345272 15246429 ~ 15256160 (-)
adcyap1r1b adcyap1r1b,LOC107731652,LOC107717143,LOC107692394,LOC107594619 coding downstream 389451 15187162 ~ 15211981 (-)
LOC122347277 endou coding upstream 87814 15691262 ~ 15695534 (-)
mast2 mast2,LOC107717134,LOC107692432 coding upstream 548698 16152146 ~ 16253840 (-)
tmem69 tmem69,LOC107731626,LOC107684288,LOC107725194,LOC107594642,LOC107692399,LOC107579605 coding upstream 651193 16254641 ~ 16256080 (-)
LOC122347419 nasp,LOC107551040,LOC107725201,LOC107594614,LOC107731628 coding upstream 668569 16272017 ~ 16277301 (-)
akr1a1b akr1a1,akr1a1b,LOC107725198,LOC107692407,LOC107731642,LOC107684038 coding upstream 674409 16277857 ~ 16280917 (-)
LOC122347411 efcab12 non-coding downstream 9236 15591067 ~ 15592196 (-)
LOC122347378 NA non-coding downstream 13210 15587506 ~ 15588222 (-)
LOC122347074 NA non-coding downstream 20377 15580584 ~ 15581055 (-)
G45554 NA non-coding downstream 112331 15486663 ~ 15489101 (-)
G45579 NA non-coding downstream 116465 15482906 ~ 15484967 (-)
G45602 NA non-coding upstream 40621 15644069 ~ 15645396 (-)
LOC122347156 NA non-coding upstream 239683 15843131 ~ 15877467 (-)
G45709 NA non-coding upstream 298768 15902216 ~ 16118586 (-)
G45751 NA non-coding upstream 663735 16267183 ~ 16267542 (-)
G45752 NA non-coding upstream 665467 16268915 ~ 16269392 (-)
insl5a LOC107692440 other downstream 110747 15489118 ~ 15490685 (-)
LOC122347580 ttc4,LOC107738930,LOC107659046,LOC107709194,LOC107692369 other downstream 270581 15327583 ~ 15330851 (-)
G45257 ttc22,LOC107590622,LOC107692368,LOC107659045,LOC107591163 other downstream 1408266 14160475 ~ 14193166 (-)
pex5la pex5la,LOC107709207,LOC107590632,LOC107659033,LOC107692357,LOC107548659,LOC107732026 other downstream 1815529 13718202 ~ 13785903 (-)
tmem131 tmem131,LOC107659030,LOC107692350,LOC107732007 other downstream 1920138 13655260 ~ 13681294 (-)
G45606 sec61a1,LOC103358725,LOC108436273,LOC108440718,LOC103023094,LOC106518493,LOC102228108 other upstream 462 15603910 ~ 15605470 (-)
LOC122347279 LOC107556984,LOC107731622,LOC107692431,LOC107675940,LOC107594634,LOC107717133 other upstream 152861 15756309 ~ 15765107 (-)
G45730 pik3r3,LOC107692397,LOC107717145,LOC107675943 other upstream 455520 16058968 ~ 16059767 (-)
G45731 LOC107692397,LOC107556985,LOC107717145,LOC106584012 other upstream 456445 16059893 ~ 16060466 (-)
fam183a fam183a,LOC107551015 other upstream 757719 16361167 ~ 16364020 (-)


Co-expression Network