RNA id: TCONS_00074938

Basic Information

Item Value
RNA id TCONS_00074938
length 1114
lncRNA type inter_gene
GC content 0.40
exon number 2
gene id XLOC_037443
representative False

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_007120.7
NCBI id CM002893.2
chromosome length 56459846
location 50362528 ~ 50485507 (+)
genome version GRCz11_2017_zebrafish_Genome
species zebrafish
(Danio rerio)





id name namespace
GO:0051673 membrane disruption in other organism biological_process
GO:0044419 biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms biological_process
GO:0006342 chromatin silencing biological_process
GO:0016458 gene silencing biological_process
GO:0035821 modulation of process of other organism biological_process
GO:0045814 negative regulation of gene expression, epigenetic biological_process
GO:0040029 regulation of gene expression, epigenetic biological_process
GO:0050830 defense response to Gram-positive bacterium biological_process


id description
ko03230 Viral genome structure
ko03070 Bacterial secretion system
ko05164 Influenza A
ko03200 Viral proteins



RNA id RNA type direction distance location representative gene id
TCONS_00075216 lncRNA upstream 317744 50038502 ~ 50044784 (+) False XLOC_037439
TCONS_00075215 lncRNA upstream 458596 49899504 ~ 49903932 (+) True XLOC_037437
TCONS_00075214 lncRNA upstream 476704 49869452 ~ 49885824 (+) False XLOC_037436
TCONS_00075218 lncRNA downstream 216977 50702484 ~ 50703857 (+) False XLOC_037445
TCONS_00075219 lncRNA downstream 217006 50702513 ~ 50703857 (+) False XLOC_037445
TCONS_00075220 lncRNA downstream 217074 50702581 ~ 50703857 (+) True XLOC_037445
TCONS_00074939 lncRNA downstream 454850 50940357 ~ 50940853 (+) True XLOC_037447
TCONS_00073656 lncRNA downstream 557948 51043455 ~ 51060961 (+) True XLOC_037448
TCONS_00073651 mRNA upstream 21808 50316921 ~ 50340720 (+) True XLOC_037442
TCONS_00073650 mRNA upstream 156771 50175366 ~ 50205757 (+) True XLOC_037441
TCONS_00073649 mRNA upstream 191442 50110763 ~ 50171086 (+) True XLOC_037439
TCONS_00073647 mRNA upstream 195727 50038347 ~ 50166801 (+) False XLOC_037439
TCONS_00073645 mRNA upstream 329559 50001746 ~ 50032969 (+) False XLOC_037438
TCONS_00073652 mRNA downstream 113855 50599362 ~ 50752282 (+) False XLOC_037444
TCONS_00073653 mRNA downstream 114848 50600355 ~ 50755669 (+) False XLOC_037444
TCONS_00073654 mRNA downstream 263881 50749388 ~ 50751614 (+) True XLOC_037444
TCONS_00073657 mRNA downstream 661873 51147380 ~ 51217090 (+) False XLOC_037451
TCONS_00073658 mRNA downstream 662257 51147764 ~ 51217396 (+) False XLOC_037451
TCONS_00073648 other upstream 272271 50089000 ~ 50090257 (+) True XLOC_037440
TCONS_00073638 other upstream 577091 49785320 ~ 49785437 (+) True XLOC_037435
TCONS_00073602 other upstream 3931395 46421027 ~ 46431133 (+) False XLOC_037412
TCONS_00073600 other upstream 4540943 45821469 ~ 45821585 (+) True XLOC_037408
TCONS_00073592 other upstream 4821935 45540477 ~ 45540593 (+) True XLOC_037402
TCONS_00073655 other downstream 314850 50800357 ~ 50800473 (+) True XLOC_037446
TCONS_00073665 other downstream 1596804 52082311 ~ 52082437 (+) True XLOC_037460
TCONS_00073706 other downstream 4762693 55248200 ~ 55248314 (+) True XLOC_037493
TCONS_00073716 other downstream 5430906 55916413 ~ 55916544 (+) True XLOC_037503

Expression Profile
