XLOC_015239 (BX470264.2)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id XLOC_015239
gene name BX470264.2
gene type non-coding
species zebrafish (Danio rerio)
category of species model fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_007113.7
NCBI id CM002886.2
chromosome length 59640629
location 9875529 ~ 9875645 (+)
genome version GRCz11_2017_zebrafish_Genome







ensembl_id ENSDARG00000108522


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TCONS_00030571 True 117 rRNA 0.54 1 9875529 9875645


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
XLOC_015238 anxa13l coding upstream 33289 9821757 ~ 9842240 (+)
XLOC_015237 pcyt1aa coding upstream 95570 9755422 ~ 9779959 (+)
XLOC_015236 NA coding upstream 218482 9651716 ~ 9657047 (+)
XLOC_015235 gipc2 coding upstream 284679 9560740 ~ 9590850 (+)
XLOC_015234 dnajb4 coding upstream 315222 9552456 ~ 9560307 (+)
XLOC_015240 CR956623.1 coding downstream 43033 9918678 ~ 9941405 (+)
XLOC_015241 tsen15 coding downstream 70476 9946121 ~ 9957805 (+)
XLOC_015242 sec22ba coding downstream 95297 9970942 ~ 9983661 (+)
XLOC_015243 slc35a3b coding downstream 114846 9990491 ~ 10040264 (+)
XLOC_015244 cmpk coding downstream 188102 10063747 ~ 10076929 (+)
XLOC_015231 NA non-coding upstream 545320 9132585 ~ 9330209 (+)
XLOC_015232 NA non-coding upstream 557250 9316319 ~ 9318279 (+)
XLOC_015227 NA non-coding upstream 1184500 8690658 ~ 8691029 (+)
XLOC_015225 NA non-coding upstream 1387391 8484394 ~ 8488138 (+)
XLOC_015249 FO704816.1 non-coding downstream 330356 10206001 ~ 10206118 (+)
XLOC_015251 NA non-coding downstream 409116 10284761 ~ 10285629 (+)
XLOC_015252 BX927121.1 non-coding downstream 510834 10386479 ~ 10416272 (+)
XLOC_015253 NA non-coding downstream 687854 10563499 ~ 10564386 (+)
XLOC_015254 NA non-coding downstream 728868 10604513 ~ 10607329 (+)


Expression of XLOC_015239(BX470264.2) in the Zebrafish Sample from each Developmental Stage of PRJEB12982

Boxplot with 18 boxes. Box plot charts are typically used to display groups of statistical data. Each data point in the chart can have up to 5 values: minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 150.
End of interactive chart.

Expression of XLOC_015239(BX470264.2) in the Zebrafish Sample of PRJEB12982

Bar chart with 360 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 150.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network