
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G334475
gene name NA
gene type unknown
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048568.1
NCBI id CM023222.3
chromosome length 46841314
location 24417582 ~ 24418946 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





estrogen receptor isoform X2



id description


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU378609 True 523 TUCP 0.60 2 24417582 24418946


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
syne1a syne1 coding upstream 20916 24183965 ~ 24396666 (+)
tmem181 tmem181 coding upstream 269245 24138959 ~ 24148337 (+)
tulp4a tulp4 coding upstream 279033 24082855 ~ 24138549 (+)
si:ch211-51e12.7 NA coding upstream 344619 24063831 ~ 24072963 (+)
msgn1 LOC106608038 coding upstream 354466 24061677 ~ 24063116 (+)
zbtb2b zbtb2 coding downstream 15189 24434135 ~ 24443445 (+)
trnal-uaa NA coding downstream 226278 24645224 ~ 24645306 (+)
utrn LOC106608002 coding downstream 229079 24648025 ~ 24989137 (+)
LOC118964455 NA coding downstream 683848 25102794 ~ 25104074 (+)
LOC110522385 LOC106607999 coding downstream 687242 25106188 ~ 25127317 (+)
G334470 NA non-coding upstream 4810 24408923 ~ 24412772 (+)
G334455 NA non-coding upstream 67134 24349692 ~ 24350448 (+)
G334441 NA non-coding upstream 69581 24300896 ~ 24348001 (+)
G334417 NA non-coding upstream 150908 24266013 ~ 24266674 (+)
G334414 NA non-coding upstream 161296 24255510 ~ 24256286 (+)
G334482 NA non-coding downstream 14538 24433484 ~ 24433935 (+)
G334483 NA non-coding downstream 16254 24435200 ~ 24435503 (+)
G334485 NA non-coding downstream 25503 24444449 ~ 24475335 (+)
G334511 NA non-coding downstream 90955 24509901 ~ 24510129 (+)
G334116 NA other upstream 583160 23833821 ~ 23837875 (+)
ccdc167 ccdc167 other upstream 669311 23745535 ~ 23748393 (+)
G333079 smyd2 other upstream 1459386 22955879 ~ 22958196 (+)
G332507 NA other upstream 1824220 22592930 ~ 22593362 (+)
G334473 armt1 other downstream 1168 24420114 ~ 24422731 (+)
LOC110522376 sash1 other downstream 1632107 25761890 ~ 26057813 (+)
G336464 NA other downstream 2474189 26892229 ~ 26894837 (+)
LOC110522355 plekhg1 other downstream 2757435 27054628 ~ 27185449 (+)
LOC118964415 LOC106608050 other downstream 3171906 27537262 ~ 27601564 (+)


G334475 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 3.
End of interactive chart.

G334475 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 9 bars.
G334475 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 125.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network