
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G373144
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048569.1
NCBI id CM023223.2
chromosome length 100798064
location 17172353 ~ 17230280 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





unnamed protein product, partial



id description


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU424234 True 456 lncRNA 0.47 2 17172353 17230280


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC100136246 LOC106569430 coding upstream 24575 17126356 ~ 17147778 (+)
atp5fa1 LOC106569424 coding upstream 46576 17119787 ~ 17125777 (+)
LOC110522812 loxhd1 coding upstream 100814 17019587 ~ 17071539 (+)
st8sia5 st8sia5 coding upstream 160342 16995394 ~ 17012011 (+)
LOC110523342 LOC106569363 coding upstream 204544 16949402 ~ 16967809 (+)
LOC110523353 LOC106569485 coding downstream 5532 17235812 ~ 17242911 (+)
tnpo1 LOC106569531 coding downstream 497241 17727521 ~ 17778710 (+)
LOC110523357 LOC106569536 coding downstream 561580 17791860 ~ 17871592 (+)
LOC110523359 LOC106569632 coding downstream 647337 17877617 ~ 17879225 (+)
tmem174 LOC106569163 coding downstream 670213 17900493 ~ 17930164 (+)
G373143 NA non-coding upstream 736 17171400 ~ 17171617 (+)
G373137 NA non-coding upstream 10295 17161620 ~ 17162058 (+)
G373135 NA non-coding upstream 10860 17161267 ~ 17161493 (+)
G373133 NA non-coding upstream 13390 17158706 ~ 17158963 (+)
G373132 NA non-coding upstream 13710 17158310 ~ 17158643 (+)
G373157 NA non-coding downstream 6489 17236769 ~ 17237405 (+)
G373293 NA non-coding downstream 15105 17245385 ~ 17245802 (+)
G373294 NA non-coding downstream 15632 17245912 ~ 17246427 (+)
G373317 NA non-coding downstream 34886 17265166 ~ 17265396 (+)
G373353 NA non-coding downstream 60255 17290535 ~ 17290797 (+)
G372618 LOC105030512 other upstream 290168 16870434 ~ 16882185 (+)
G372373 NA other upstream 433853 16735642 ~ 16738500 (+)
G372281 LOC106569177 other upstream 951420 16218328 ~ 16220933 (+)
G371615 LOC100194725 other upstream 1377231 15791559 ~ 15795122 (+)
G371182 NA other upstream 2043536 15124290 ~ 15128817 (+)
G373726 NA other downstream 473833 17704113 ~ 17707757 (+)
arhgef28a LOC106568988 other downstream 837163 18067350 ~ 18177035 (+)
G376320 NA other downstream 2752981 19983261 ~ 19983848 (+)
G377022 NA other downstream 3361200 20591480 ~ 20596863 (+)
LOC110522816 LOC106568602 other downstream 3513304 20508074 ~ 20759255 (+)


G373144 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 100.
End of interactive chart.

G373144 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 19 bars.
G373144 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 200.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network