
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G492192
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048570.1
NCBI id CM023224.2
chromosome length 101096859
location 27726821 ~ 27727192 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





unnamed protein product




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU559276 True 372 lncRNA 0.42 1 27726821 27727192


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110525649 LOC106585595 coding downstream 2818 27714131 ~ 27724003 (-)
LOC110525648 LOC106585594 coding downstream 21111 27652785 ~ 27705710 (-)
LOC110525644 LOC106585592 coding downstream 148300 27561557 ~ 27578521 (-)
LOC110525643 LOC106585590 coding downstream 166265 27545608 ~ 27560556 (-)
LOC110525639 LOC106579858 coding downstream 374930 27342945 ~ 27351891 (-)
LOC110525653 NA coding upstream 7803 27734995 ~ 27737024 (-)
LOC110525654 LOC106585600 coding upstream 71078 27798270 ~ 27812882 (-)
LOC118965072 LOC106579843 coding upstream 90384 27817576 ~ 27820202 (-)
LOC110525655 LOC106585601 coding upstream 105060 27827231 ~ 27885634 (-)
LOC110525658 LOC100195761 coding upstream 300984 28028176 ~ 28044300 (-)
G492134 NA non-coding downstream 13455 27713091 ~ 27713366 (-)
G492188 NA non-coding downstream 14212 27712370 ~ 27712609 (-)
G492157 NA non-coding downstream 81113 27645075 ~ 27645708 (-)
G492146 LOC106585319 non-coding downstream 97944 27627891 ~ 27628877 (-)
G492145 NA non-coding downstream 99175 27627280 ~ 27627646 (-)
G492195 NA non-coding upstream 1865 27729057 ~ 27729291 (-)
G492229 NA non-coding upstream 43406 27770598 ~ 27770807 (-)
G492235 NA non-coding upstream 48406 27775598 ~ 27775805 (-)
G492207 NA non-coding upstream 49364 27776556 ~ 27776947 (-)
G492208 NA non-coding upstream 64683 27791875 ~ 27793746 (-)
G491539 NA other downstream 482628 27216607 ~ 27244193 (-)
G491291 NA other downstream 859663 26824867 ~ 26867158 (-)
LOC110525619 LOC106585557 other downstream 1175194 26481087 ~ 26551627 (-)
tmem230b LOC106585554 other downstream 1268980 26455731 ~ 26457883 (-)
LOC110525606 LOC106585545 other downstream 1443652 26271759 ~ 26283169 (-)
G494389 LOC106585296 other upstream 1684023 29411215 ~ 29415314 (-)
LOC110525681 hectd4 other upstream 1751463 29411204 ~ 29483533 (-)
LOC110525684 LOC106585295 other upstream 1775061 29502192 ~ 29520980 (-)


G492192 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 6.
End of interactive chart.

G492192 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 19 bars.
G492192 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 200.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network