
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G654983
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048571.1
NCBI id CM023225.2
chromosome length 90918291
location 82690163 ~ 82772049 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





unnamed protein product




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU744465 True 1480 lncRNA 0.36 2 82690163 82772049


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110529049 LOC106583745 coding upstream 360293 82198333 ~ 82329870 (+)
LOC110529047 LOC106583744 coding upstream 509921 82162427 ~ 82180242 (+)
LOC118965324 NA coding upstream 544988 82142401 ~ 82145175 (+)
LOC110528604 LOC106583724 coding upstream 882263 81794468 ~ 81807900 (+)
LOC118965323 NA coding upstream 1080133 81606847 ~ 81610030 (+)
LOC110525202 LOC106583751 coding downstream 1728 82773777 ~ 82778043 (+)
LOC110525199 LOC106583750 coding downstream 6324 82778373 ~ 82782922 (+)
LOC118965402 NA coding downstream 383570 83155619 ~ 83155719 (+)
LOC118965370 NA coding downstream 493487 83265536 ~ 83310372 (+)
dag1 dag1 coding downstream 782234 83554283 ~ 83616043 (+)
G655126 NA non-coding upstream 52326 82637308 ~ 82637837 (+)
G655106 NA non-coding upstream 90335 82598823 ~ 82599828 (+)
G655070 NA non-coding upstream 123343 82516943 ~ 82566820 (+)
G655040 NA non-coding upstream 235443 82454080 ~ 82454720 (+)
G655039 NA non-coding upstream 237384 82451221 ~ 82452779 (+)
G655190 LOC106583753 non-coding downstream 100678 82872727 ~ 82876040 (+)
G655206 NA non-coding downstream 126696 82898745 ~ 82899477 (+)
G655209 NA non-coding downstream 130044 82902093 ~ 82902423 (+)
G655210 NA non-coding downstream 130783 82902832 ~ 82905957 (+)
G655241 NA non-coding downstream 194463 82966512 ~ 82967475 (+)
G655042 NA other upstream 230496 82459085 ~ 82459667 (+)
G654782 NA other upstream 738771 81951002 ~ 81951392 (+)
G654673 NA other upstream 881436 81744527 ~ 81808727 (+)
G654603 NA other upstream 1114740 81574942 ~ 81575423 (+)
G654265 LOC106611445 other upstream 1338963 81326323 ~ 81352422 (+)
G656125 NA other downstream 383965 83156014 ~ 83156319 (+)
G656264 NA other downstream 495099 83267148 ~ 83272209 (+)
G656551 NA other downstream 786788 83558837 ~ 83560518 (+)
G657228 NA other downstream 1731500 84503549 ~ 84520418 (+)
G657254 NA other downstream 1779947 84551996 ~ 84554773 (+)


G654983 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 20.
End of interactive chart.

G654983 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 18 bars.
G654983 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 1000.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network