
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G775657
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048573.1
NCBI id CM023227.2
chromosome length 79455637
location 16150132 ~ 16150613 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





unnamed protein product




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU883878 True 482 lncRNA 0.42 1 16150132 16150613


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
trnan-guu-3 NA coding downstream 16454 16133605 ~ 16133678 (-)
trnak-cuu-4 NA coding downstream 17015 16133045 ~ 16133117 (-)
LOC110531612 LOC106577840 coding downstream 32223 16095962 ~ 16117909 (-)
LOC110531611 LOC106577839 coding downstream 63102 16048744 ~ 16087030 (-)
trnal-cag-5 NA coding downstream 136514 16013536 ~ 16013618 (-)
gba2 gba2 coding upstream 35644 16186257 ~ 16220121 (-)
LOC118966005 msmp coding upstream 80045 16230658 ~ 16232360 (-)
LOC110531616 tesk1 coding upstream 112851 16263464 ~ 16289868 (-)
LOC110531619 LOC100380775 coding upstream 276475 16427088 ~ 16440148 (-)
LOC118966165 NA coding upstream 405182 16555795 ~ 16573892 (-)
G775656 NA non-coding downstream 12345 16137572 ~ 16137787 (-)
G775653 NA non-coding downstream 17551 16132309 ~ 16132581 (-)
G775651 NA non-coding downstream 18893 16130749 ~ 16131239 (-)
G775650 NA non-coding downstream 20517 16128793 ~ 16129615 (-)
G775645 NA non-coding downstream 22204 16120267 ~ 16127928 (-)
G775668 NA non-coding upstream 38583 16189196 ~ 16189952 (-)
G775700 NA non-coding upstream 100356 16250969 ~ 16251198 (-)
G775702 NA non-coding upstream 104178 16254791 ~ 16255888 (-)
G775706 NA non-coding upstream 117382 16267995 ~ 16271059 (-)
G775717 NA non-coding upstream 154528 16305141 ~ 16305527 (-)
G775532 NA other downstream 236838 15912836 ~ 15913294 (-)
G775139 NA other downstream 286298 15862320 ~ 15863834 (-)
LOC110531603 groa other downstream 362526 15781909 ~ 15787666 (-)
G774954 NA other downstream 524212 15625202 ~ 15625920 (-)
G774702 LOC106577875 other downstream 788813 15352307 ~ 15361319 (-)
LOC110531626 LOC106608856 other upstream 676440 16827053 ~ 16828583 (-)
G776294 NA other upstream 714854 16865467 ~ 16866034 (-)
G776340 LOC106577790 other upstream 859399 17010012 ~ 17014685 (-)
G776355 NA other upstream 874767 17025380 ~ 17025813 (-)
G776461 NA other upstream 1094821 17245434 ~ 17245797 (-)


G775657 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 4.
End of interactive chart.

G775657 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 19 bars.
G775657 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 100.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network