
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id LOC118936709
gene name NA
gene type coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048574.1
NCBI id CM023228.2
chromosome length 87811138
location 55982632 ~ 55984568 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome







RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XR_005034181.1 False 497 mRNA 0.49 3 55982632 55984568
XR_005034182.1 True 427 mRNA 0.52 3 55982632 55984568


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
suclg1 LOC106602756 coding upstream 515309 55445894 ~ 55467323 (+)
LOC110534323 LOC106602753 coding upstream 546446 55414512 ~ 55436186 (+)
LOC110533148 tacr3 coding upstream 625709 55316450 ~ 55356923 (+)
cnga1a LOC106602752 coding upstream 705239 55266623 ~ 55277393 (+)
tmem131l LOC106602747 coding upstream 839082 55043454 ~ 55143550 (+)
LOC110534327 LOC106602758 coding downstream 188864 56173432 ~ 56177148 (+)
LOC110534937 NA coding downstream 690146 56674714 ~ 56676532 (+)
LOC110534328 NA coding downstream 703117 56687685 ~ 56693360 (+)
LOC118936710 NA coding downstream 715690 56700258 ~ 56707998 (+)
LOC118936711 NA coding downstream 730328 56714896 ~ 56723234 (+)
G905595 NA non-coding upstream 7788 55973726 ~ 55974844 (+)
G905594 NA non-coding upstream 64673 55914701 ~ 55917959 (+)
G905582 NA non-coding upstream 90693 55891117 ~ 55891939 (+)
G905548 NA non-coding upstream 138992 55843374 ~ 55843640 (+)
G905439 NA non-coding upstream 234806 55747437 ~ 55747826 (+)
G905723 NA non-coding downstream 158854 56143422 ~ 56233547 (+)
G905732 NA non-coding downstream 198484 56183052 ~ 56183986 (+)
G905778 NA non-coding downstream 281196 56265764 ~ 56290099 (+)
G905872 NA non-coding downstream 398521 56383089 ~ 56383788 (+)
G905972 NA non-coding downstream 579780 56564348 ~ 56565299 (+)
G904663 NA other upstream 686578 55295237 ~ 55296054 (+)
G904621 LOC106567469 other upstream 751377 55230899 ~ 55231255 (+)
helt helt other upstream 2003360 53977386 ~ 53980090 (+)
G902840 LOC106602714 other upstream 2307821 53670120 ~ 53674811 (+)
G902707 NA other upstream 2462844 53516107 ~ 53519788 (+)
G906606 LOC100136012 other downstream 671731 56656299 ~ 56656552 (+)
LOC110534329 LOC106602762 other downstream 1005436 56953710 ~ 56991150 (+)
LOC110534333 LOC106602771 other downstream 1168196 57142719 ~ 57206820 (+)
LOC110534354 NA other downstream 1684014 57645943 ~ 57671502 (+)
ankrd49 LOC106602680 other downstream 2472414 58456982 ~ 58517975 (+)


LOC118936709 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 8.
End of interactive chart.

LOC118936709 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 10 bars.
LOC118936709 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 12.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network