G912025 (LOC106602626)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G912025
gene name LOC106602626
gene type unknown
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048574.1
NCBI id CM023228.2
chromosome length 87811138
location 62237977 ~ 62335475 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC106602626




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU1037247 True 697 TUCP 0.52 5 62237977 62335475


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110534472 LOC106602613 coding upstream 7323 62225905 ~ 62230654 (+)
LOC110534467 LOC106602610 coding upstream 16621 62198234 ~ 62221356 (+)
LOC110534466 LOC106602619 coding upstream 68980 62165352 ~ 62168997 (+)
LOC110534462 LOC106602598 coding upstream 158674 62070263 ~ 62079303 (+)
LOC110533181 LOC106602599 coding upstream 180023 62053409 ~ 62057954 (+)
LOC110534616 LOC106610074 coding downstream 63213 62398688 ~ 63503034 (+)
LOC110534686 LOC106602607 coding downstream 77971 62413446 ~ 62432023 (+)
LOC110534674 LOC106602611 coding downstream 110101 62445576 ~ 62449042 (+)
LOC118936895 NA coding downstream 118284 62453759 ~ 62456103 (+)
LOC110534651 LOC106602614 coding downstream 130613 62466088 ~ 62469918 (+)
G911872 NA non-coding upstream 114902 62122819 ~ 62123075 (+)
G911855 LOC106602602 non-coding upstream 136437 62096472 ~ 62101540 (+)
G911844 LOC106602598 non-coding upstream 158684 62056522 ~ 62079293 (+)
G911846 NA non-coding upstream 187919 62049766 ~ 62050058 (+)
G911851 NA non-coding upstream 190322 62047240 ~ 62047655 (+)
G911977 NA non-coding downstream 998 62336473 ~ 62369831 (+)
G912189 NA non-coding downstream 117304 62452779 ~ 62456890 (+)
G911922 NA non-coding downstream 265175 62600650 ~ 62601356 (+)
G912393 LOC106602412 non-coding downstream 653632 62989107 ~ 63009861 (+)
G911667 NA other upstream 546339 61691269 ~ 61691638 (+)
si:dkey-9i23.4 LOC106596523 other upstream 578477 61649733 ~ 61659500 (+)
G911652 NA other upstream 579551 61657327 ~ 61658426 (+)
G911611 LOC106609905 other upstream 668915 61566357 ~ 61569062 (+)
LOC110533174 LOC106602527 other upstream 1055707 61146124 ~ 61185835 (+)
G911920 zn271 other downstream 205325 62540800 ~ 62591739 (+)
LOC110534617 LOC106602493 other downstream 368484 62703911 ~ 62726488 (+)
G912027 LOC106610072 other downstream 1059419 63394894 ~ 63415364 (+)


G912025(LOC106602626) Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: -0.5 to 0.5.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network