
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id trnac-gca-7
gene name NA
gene type coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048577.1
NCBI id CM023231.2
chromosome length 73332040
location 35482984 ~ 35483055 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





cilia- and flagella-associated protein 157




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
trnac-gca-7 True 72 mRNA 0.53 1 35482984 35483055


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110486204 LOC106607517 coding downstream 300222 35170206 ~ 35182762 (-)
LOC110486203 LOC106607515 coding downstream 334648 35123432 ~ 35148336 (-)
LOC110486202 LOC106600799 coding downstream 375354 35076805 ~ 35107630 (-)
LOC110486196 ubc12 coding downstream 516088 34955716 ~ 34966896 (-)
ndkb ndkb coding downstream 572199 34907936 ~ 34910785 (-)
LOC110486206 LOC106607239 coding upstream 14494 35497549 ~ 35532036 (-)
LOC110485156 LOC105007255 coding upstream 51381 35534436 ~ 35536497 (-)
LOC110486209 LOC100196171 coding upstream 54219 35537274 ~ 35547651 (-)
LOC110486210 LOC106600792 coding upstream 67956 35551011 ~ 35556137 (-)
LOC110486212 LOC106607243 coding upstream 82675 35565730 ~ 35582423 (-)
G1168835 NA non-coding downstream 2069 35393076 ~ 35480915 (-)
G1168834 NA non-coding downstream 4277 35381483 ~ 35478707 (-)
G1168832 NA non-coding downstream 8637 35372545 ~ 35474347 (-)
G1168828 NA non-coding downstream 113046 35355517 ~ 35369938 (-)
G1168830 NA non-coding downstream 114344 35359652 ~ 35368640 (-)
G1170534 NA non-coding upstream 41552 35524607 ~ 35525082 (-)
G1170535 NA non-coding upstream 43223 35526278 ~ 35526661 (-)
G1170546 NA non-coding upstream 81455 35564510 ~ 35572006 (-)
LOC110486211 LOC106607244 non-coding upstream 100551 35583606 ~ 35680880 (-)
G1170611 NA non-coding upstream 199920 35682975 ~ 35683256 (-)
G1168629 NA other downstream 371973 35097452 ~ 35111011 (-)
G1168539 LOC106600802 other downstream 474687 35002513 ~ 35008297 (-)
G1168559 NA other downstream 532675 34949237 ~ 34950309 (-)
si:dkey-89b17.4 LOC106607502 other downstream 617588 34855625 ~ 34879901 (-)
G1170691 rl19 other upstream 379097 35862152 ~ 35864644 (-)
LOC110485158 LOC106607258 other upstream 515868 35995257 ~ 36000992 (-)
G1170811 NA other upstream 607707 36090762 ~ 36091417 (-)
G1170826 NA other upstream 627047 36110102 ~ 36110439 (-)
G1170998 NA other upstream 1010034 36493089 ~ 36493524 (-)


trnac-gca-7 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 1.25.
End of interactive chart.

trnac-gca-7 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 1 bar.
trnac-gca-7 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 1.25.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network