
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G1433855
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048581.1
NCBI id CM023235.2
chromosome length 95212422
location 27175512 ~ 27231404 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome







RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU1641529 True 960 lncRNA 0.39 2 27175512 27231404


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
tnrc6c2 LOC106564661 coding upstream 26212 27054451 ~ 27149300 (+)
LOC110495152 NA coding upstream 226467 26929368 ~ 26949045 (+)
sept9b LOC106564665 coding upstream 247234 26844294 ~ 26928896 (+)
LOC110493562 LOC106595010 coding upstream 359810 26812439 ~ 26815702 (+)
LOC110493561 LOC106564667 coding upstream 375502 26758441 ~ 26800010 (+)
tefm LOC106564655 coding downstream 41578 27272982 ~ 27276208 (+)
utp6 LOC106564653 coding downstream 64465 27295869 ~ 27308012 (+)
LOC110493575 NA coding downstream 82760 27313574 ~ 27333248 (+)
LOC118940369 NA coding downstream 193048 27424452 ~ 27426672 (+)
LOC110515386 LOC106564710 coding downstream 262216 27493620 ~ 27496323 (+)
G1433846 NA non-coding upstream 16272 27155584 ~ 27159240 (+)
G1433838 NA non-coding upstream 61959 27110741 ~ 27113553 (+)
G1433835 NA non-coding upstream 66772 27106699 ~ 27108740 (+)
G1433780 NA non-coding upstream 108661 27003338 ~ 27066851 (+)
G1433756 NA non-coding upstream 194753 26968391 ~ 26980759 (+)
G1433900 NA non-coding downstream 23481 27254885 ~ 27258392 (+)
G1433902 NA non-coding downstream 29895 27261299 ~ 27261857 (+)
G1433906 LOC106564656 non-coding downstream 33579 27264983 ~ 27287348 (+)
G1433904 NA non-coding downstream 58968 27290372 ~ 27292130 (+)
LOC110493559 LOC106587120 other upstream 489871 26683052 ~ 26685644 (+)
G1432630 NA other upstream 1352249 25762966 ~ 25823263 (+)
LOC110493519 LOC106564707 other upstream 3310114 23701419 ~ 23866193 (+)
G1429776 NA other upstream 3727782 23447060 ~ 23447730 (+)
G1429775 NA other upstream 3728535 23446548 ~ 23446977 (+)
LOC118940374 LOC106587354 other downstream 305791 27534233 ~ 27540054 (+)
LOC110493581 LOC106564710 other downstream 311783 27543187 ~ 27547668 (+)
LOC118940376 LOC106564710 other downstream 322312 27549527 ~ 27555427 (+)
LOC110493582 LOC106564710 other downstream 367093 27595643 ~ 27602283 (+)


G1433855 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 30.
End of interactive chart.

G1433855 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 14 bars.
G1433855 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 150.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network


species gene id symbol gene type chromosome NCBI id location
mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus) G108200 NA unknown NC_035909.1 CM008312.1 2556831 ~ 2558258 (-)