
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G1496567
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048581.1
NCBI id CM023235.2
chromosome length 95212422
location 82476877 ~ 82477098 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: transcription and mRNA export factor ENY2-like




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU1710820 True 222 lncRNA 0.35 1 82476877 82477098


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110494716 LOC106566027 coding upstream 73365 82391443 ~ 82403512 (+)
LOC110494715 tead3 coding upstream 123470 82277350 ~ 82353407 (+)
LOC110494713 LOC106566029 coding upstream 200883 82264060 ~ 82275994 (+)
LOC110494711 LOC106566069 coding upstream 242915 82226778 ~ 82233962 (+)
LOC110493273 LOC106566076 coding upstream 256218 82218941 ~ 82220659 (+)
LOC110493275 LOC106566024 coding downstream 56423 82533521 ~ 82636002 (+)
LOC110494718 LOC106566023 coding downstream 159287 82636385 ~ 82661644 (+)
LOC110494719 LOC106566022 coding downstream 191724 82668822 ~ 82717448 (+)
nudt3 LOC106566013 coding downstream 769632 83246730 ~ 83264337 (+)
LOC110494727 LOC106566012 coding downstream 792549 83269647 ~ 83311364 (+)
G1496563 NA non-coding upstream 6571 82470098 ~ 82470306 (+)
G1496553 NA non-coding upstream 16962 82459575 ~ 82459915 (+)
G1496552 NA non-coding upstream 17831 82458267 ~ 82459046 (+)
G1496548 NA non-coding upstream 28374 82448150 ~ 82448503 (+)
G1496537 NA non-coding upstream 48950 82427671 ~ 82427927 (+)
G1496568 NA non-coding downstream 800 82477898 ~ 82478209 (+)
G1496569 NA non-coding downstream 1290 82478388 ~ 82478710 (+)
G1496570 NA non-coding downstream 1616 82478714 ~ 82479061 (+)
G1496576 NA non-coding downstream 17229 82494327 ~ 82494538 (+)
G1496577 NA non-coding downstream 19174 82496272 ~ 82496593 (+)
G1496351 LOC106566032 other upstream 307127 82163138 ~ 82169750 (+)
LOC110494698 LOC106566043 other upstream 643776 81828571 ~ 81847540 (+)
LOC110494696 LOC106582736 other upstream 874720 81432188 ~ 81602161 (+)
G1495362 NA other upstream 1138714 81337017 ~ 81338163 (+)
G1495346 NA other upstream 1182951 81293440 ~ 81293926 (+)
G1497918 NA other downstream 1137167 83614265 ~ 83634495 (+)
LOC110494749 LOC106566083 other downstream 1402834 83879805 ~ 83890067 (+)
G1498583 NA other downstream 1648739 84125837 ~ 84174177 (+)
G1498913 NA other downstream 2018831 84495929 ~ 84497398 (+)
G1498912 NA other downstream 2039019 84516117 ~ 84567678 (+)


Co-expression Network