
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G1590721
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048583.1
NCBI id CM023237.2
chromosome length 67237266
location 11677164 ~ 11677513 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome







RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU1821505 True 350 lncRNA 0.47 1 11677164 11677513


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110497372 prmt9 coding downstream 114169 11548405 ~ 11562995 (-)
LOC118941455 NA coding downstream 135091 11532264 ~ 11542073 (-)
LOC110497368 LOC106610221 coding downstream 465038 11115879 ~ 11212126 (-)
LOC110498648 hhip coding downstream 712446 10915252 ~ 10964718 (-)
LOC110497364 LOC106610217 coding downstream 779886 10879787 ~ 10897278 (-)
LOC110497375 LOC106610178 coding upstream 255507 11933020 ~ 12261321 (-)
sh3d19 LOC106610182 coding upstream 600030 12277543 ~ 12301126 (-)
LOC110497381 gatb coding upstream 667425 12344938 ~ 12363994 (-)
fbxw7 fbxw7 coding upstream 849250 12526763 ~ 12624575 (-)
LOC118941457 NA coding upstream 967807 12645320 ~ 12737217 (-)
G1590719 NA non-coding downstream 1807 11675130 ~ 11675357 (-)
G1590712 NA non-coding downstream 12801 11664164 ~ 11664363 (-)
G1590709 NA non-coding downstream 18977 11657866 ~ 11658187 (-)
G1590706 NA non-coding downstream 23697 11653019 ~ 11653467 (-)
G1590579 NA non-coding downstream 35939 11637302 ~ 11641225 (-)
G1590722 NA non-coding upstream 2525 11680038 ~ 11680389 (-)
G1590589 NA non-coding upstream 2975 11680488 ~ 11681579 (-)
G1590724 NA non-coding upstream 5625 11683138 ~ 11683404 (-)
G1590725 NA non-coding upstream 5958 11683471 ~ 11683722 (-)
G1590729 NA non-coding upstream 13147 11690660 ~ 11690885 (-)
G1590583 NA other downstream 35298 11641407 ~ 11641866 (-)
G1590098 LOC106577701 other downstream 406346 11270516 ~ 11270818 (-)
LOC110498432 NA other downstream 1531595 10134147 ~ 10145900 (-)
LOC118941443 NA other downstream 2708860 8965525 ~ 8971363 (-)
G1591322 NA other upstream 574278 12251791 ~ 12252528 (-)
LOC110497387 LOC106602387 other upstream 1548656 13226169 ~ 13239221 (-)
G1593032 spcs3 other upstream 2148046 13825559 ~ 13829469 (-)
G1595424 NA other upstream 2805912 14483425 ~ 14483790 (-)


G1590721 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 4.
End of interactive chart.

G1590721 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 19 bars.
G1590721 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 60.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network