
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G1641234
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048583.1
NCBI id CM023237.2
chromosome length 67237266
location 56279573 ~ 56279845 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





unnamed protein product



id description


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU1877387 True 273 lncRNA 0.48 1 56279573 56279845


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC118941491 LOC106562077 coding downstream 393382 55882882 ~ 55936463 (-)
LOC110498152 LOC106562166 coding downstream 418053 55788913 ~ 55861520 (-)
tmem30b LOC106562615 coding downstream 519821 55747931 ~ 55759752 (-)
LOC110498143 dylt1 coding downstream 830280 55448001 ~ 55449293 (-)
znf593 zn593 coding downstream 863822 55414462 ~ 55415751 (-)
trnaa-cgc-4 NA coding upstream 246738 56526583 ~ 56526653 (-)
LOC110498158 ctl2b coding upstream 510966 56790811 ~ 56794401 (-)
LOC110498160 LOC106560797 coding upstream 525711 56805556 ~ 56812107 (-)
LOC110498161 LOC106560842 coding upstream 544191 56824036 ~ 56837037 (-)
LOC118941497 LOC106609620 coding upstream 881217 57069887 ~ 57165047 (-)
G1641202 NA non-coding downstream 56443 56222791 ~ 56223130 (-)
G1641192 NA non-coding downstream 65468 56213844 ~ 56214105 (-)
G1641191 NA non-coding downstream 65809 56213528 ~ 56213764 (-)
G1641187 NA non-coding downstream 72123 56207083 ~ 56207450 (-)
G1641172 NA non-coding downstream 115455 56163829 ~ 56164118 (-)
G1641335 NA non-coding upstream 93313 56373158 ~ 56373369 (-)
G1641347 NA non-coding upstream 103356 56383201 ~ 56383435 (-)
G1641501 NA non-coding upstream 217544 56497389 ~ 56584678 (-)
G1641510 NA non-coding upstream 236653 56516498 ~ 56517331 (-)
G1641511 NA non-coding upstream 237620 56517465 ~ 56521582 (-)
G1641074 NA other downstream 332609 55946573 ~ 55946964 (-)
G1639267 NA other downstream 1697222 54582006 ~ 54582351 (-)
G1638677 NA other downstream 2125468 54145197 ~ 54154105 (-)
G1636861 NA other downstream 3923424 52350969 ~ 52356149 (-)
G1636669 NA other downstream 4381065 51896788 ~ 51898508 (-)
G1641881 NA other upstream 704419 56984264 ~ 56984709 (-)
LOC110498390 LOC106612640 other upstream 1024881 57304724 ~ 57400864 (-)
LOC110498179 LOC106611855 other upstream 1616939 57893957 ~ 57955833 (-)


G1641234 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 8.
End of interactive chart.

G1641234 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 16 bars.
G1641234 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 150.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network


species gene id symbol gene type chromosome NCBI id location
mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus) G104601 NA non-coding NC_035908.1 CM008311.1 18641431 ~ 18765348 (-)