
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G1663159
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048584.1
NCBI id CM023238.2
chromosome length 46616863
location 11345325 ~ 11346062 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome







RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU1903244 True 712 lncRNA 0.43 2 11345325 11346062


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110498960 LOC106589415 coding downstream 2129 11336117 ~ 11343196 (-)
LOC110498959 LOC106589414 coding downstream 10737 11300788 ~ 11334588 (-)
LOC110511226 NA coding downstream 73152 11263195 ~ 11272173 (-)
LOC110498954 NA coding downstream 82184 11261149 ~ 11263141 (-)
LOC118942034 NA coding downstream 99172 11245595 ~ 11246153 (-)
LOC110498961 LOC106589413 coding upstream 1945 11348007 ~ 11358125 (-)
LOC110498962 NA coding upstream 67662 11413724 ~ 11416886 (-)
LOC110498742 LOC106589411 coding upstream 71353 11417415 ~ 11435826 (-)
LOC110498963 LOC106589410 coding upstream 112857 11458919 ~ 11483535 (-)
trnai-uau-46 NA coding upstream 141449 11487511 ~ 11487605 (-)
G1663128 NA non-coding downstream 66233 11278746 ~ 11279092 (-)
G1662995 NA non-coding downstream 75459 11264400 ~ 11269866 (-)
G1663122 NA non-coding downstream 89765 11238526 ~ 11255560 (-)
G1662993 NA non-coding downstream 143209 11199565 ~ 11202116 (-)
G1663221 NA non-coding upstream 101785 11447847 ~ 11448067 (-)
G1663261 NA non-coding upstream 190839 11536901 ~ 11539243 (-)
G1663265 NA non-coding upstream 197582 11543644 ~ 11544011 (-)
G1663266 NA non-coding upstream 199188 11545250 ~ 11545600 (-)
fshr fshr non-coding upstream 278990 11624909 ~ 11634813 (-)
LOC110498953 NA other downstream 186549 11121913 ~ 11158776 (-)
G1662039 NA other downstream 868140 10476963 ~ 10477185 (-)
G1661001 LOC106589450 other downstream 1885210 9422783 ~ 9460115 (-)
G1661023 NA other downstream 1944378 9399117 ~ 9400947 (-)
LOC110498913 h3f3b other downstream 2956071 8386968 ~ 8389308 (-)
G1663264 NA other upstream 196554 11542616 ~ 11543091 (-)
G1664239 NA other upstream 904088 12250150 ~ 12251106 (-)
G1665402 LOC106589366 other upstream 2055219 13401281 ~ 13407377 (-)
G1666656 LOC106589183 other upstream 2876137 14222199 ~ 14223019 (-)
G1666788 NA other upstream 3078911 14424973 ~ 14425314 (-)


G1663159 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 400.
End of interactive chart.

G1663159 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 12 bars.
G1663159 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 600.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network