G1994757 (LOC106613263)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G1994757
gene name LOC106613263
gene type unknown
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048590.1
NCBI id CM023244.2
chromosome length 51113553
location 9390568 ~ 9390933 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





olfactory receptor family C subfamily 4 member 10




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU2283109 True 366 TUCP 0.56 1 9390568 9390933


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
klf13 LOC105021104 coding upstream 156565 9173028 ~ 9234003 (+)
LOC118936595 LOC106609700 coding upstream 375081 8982115 ~ 9015487 (+)
LOC118944396 idh3a coding upstream 408945 8964942 ~ 8981623 (+)
LOC118944518 LOC106609706 coding upstream 497408 8880465 ~ 8893160 (+)
LOC118944519 NA coding upstream 555737 8832283 ~ 8834831 (+)
LOC110526863 LOC106562818 coding downstream 149353 9540286 ~ 9543273 (+)
si:ch211-266g18.10 LOC106561896 coding downstream 316521 9707454 ~ 9812098 (+)
LOC110506241 LOC106561900 coding downstream 454994 9845927 ~ 9918295 (+)
LOC110506240 NA coding downstream 553876 9944809 ~ 9965961 (+)
gnmt gnmt coding downstream 878018 10268951 ~ 10282107 (+)
G1994756 NA non-coding upstream 152 9390083 ~ 9390416 (+)
G1994753 NA non-coding upstream 2757 9387481 ~ 9387811 (+)
G1994050 NA non-coding upstream 7118 9383147 ~ 9383450 (+)
G1994006 NA non-coding upstream 126942 9260870 ~ 9263626 (+)
G1994008 NA non-coding upstream 130007 9258783 ~ 9260561 (+)
G1994760 NA non-coding downstream 496 9391429 ~ 9391681 (+)
G1994759 gtf2a2 non-coding downstream 1131 9392064 ~ 9394438 (+)
G1994773 NA non-coding downstream 30526 9421459 ~ 9421764 (+)
G1994779 NA non-coding downstream 40829 9431762 ~ 9432054 (+)
G1994797 NA non-coding downstream 80028 9470961 ~ 9471435 (+)
G1993783 NA other upstream 692445 8697174 ~ 8698123 (+)
G1993771 herc1 other upstream 722301 8666601 ~ 8668267 (+)
LOC110512379 LOC106587994 other upstream 839201 8537913 ~ 8553492 (+)
G1993593 LOC106587964 other upstream 1242069 8143752 ~ 8148919 (+)
G1993550 NA other upstream 1348547 8038186 ~ 8042021 (+)
G1994851 NA other downstream 174110 9560723 ~ 9566154 (+)
G1998628 NA other downstream 3831104 13222037 ~ 13222681 (+)
G2002614 NA other downstream 6298835 15689768 ~ 15696280 (+)
LOC110506284 LOC106561914 other downstream 6404199 15734525 ~ 15800073 (+)
G2002823 NA other downstream 6681054 16071987 ~ 16074044 (+)


G1994757(LOC106613263) Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 60.
End of interactive chart.

G1994757(LOC106613263) Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 21 bars.
G1994757(LOC106613263) Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 1500.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network