
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G2132005
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048592.1
NCBI id CM023246.2
chromosome length 43716683
location 35245289 ~ 35293756 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome







RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU2437787 True 320 lncRNA 0.39 2 35245289 35293756


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
trnak-uuu-206 NA coding upstream 621 35244596 ~ 35244668 (+)
trnak-uuu-205 NA coding upstream 1918 35243299 ~ 35243371 (+)
trnak-uuu-204 NA coding upstream 3213 35242004 ~ 35242076 (+)
trnak-uuu-203 NA coding upstream 4559 35240658 ~ 35240730 (+)
trnak-uuu-202 NA coding upstream 5861 35239356 ~ 35239428 (+)
trnak-uuu-239 NA coding downstream 292 35294048 ~ 35294120 (+)
trnak-uuu-240 NA coding downstream 2894 35296650 ~ 35296722 (+)
trnak-uuu-241 NA coding downstream 4453 35298209 ~ 35298281 (+)
trnak-uuu-242 NA coding downstream 6012 35299768 ~ 35299840 (+)
trnak-uuu-243 NA coding downstream 7571 35301327 ~ 35301399 (+)
G2132004 NA non-coding upstream 3594 35189856 ~ 35241695 (+)
G2132000 NA non-coding upstream 75638 35132427 ~ 35169651 (+)
G2131978 NA non-coding upstream 130125 35114958 ~ 35115164 (+)
G2131973 NA non-coding upstream 134272 35110780 ~ 35111017 (+)
G2131944 LOC106598057 non-coding upstream 144764 35100204 ~ 35100525 (+)
G2132015 NA non-coding downstream 41150 35334906 ~ 35335164 (+)
G2132017 NA non-coding downstream 62668 35356424 ~ 35356694 (+)
G2132031 NA non-coding downstream 101772 35395528 ~ 35395734 (+)
G2132033 NA non-coding downstream 104471 35398227 ~ 35398458 (+)
G2132039 NA non-coding downstream 116913 35410669 ~ 35410875 (+)
G2131933 NA other upstream 152255 35091699 ~ 35093034 (+)
G2131426 NA other upstream 461871 34702206 ~ 34783418 (+)
G2131416 NA other upstream 557649 34687271 ~ 34687640 (+)
G2131383 NA other upstream 640336 34603485 ~ 34604953 (+)
LOC110508236 LOC106598267 other upstream 871279 34352592 ~ 34409491 (+)
G2132291 NA other downstream 406090 35699846 ~ 35700235 (+)
LOC110508289 LOC106597230 other downstream 679683 35973386 ~ 35975132 (+)
G2132519 LOC100380659 other downstream 1045338 36339094 ~ 36364994 (+)
G2132611 LOC100380659 other downstream 1071800 36365556 ~ 36369967 (+)
LOC110509112 LOC106597339 other downstream 1228998 36522754 ~ 36528580 (+)


G2132005 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 50.
End of interactive chart.

G2132005 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 6 bars.
G2132005 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 1250.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network