G2137648 (LOC106596196)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G2137648
gene name LOC106596196
gene type unknown
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_048592.1
NCBI id CM023246.2
chromosome length 43716683
location 41810795 ~ 41814201 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome





PREDICTED: macrophage mannose receptor 1-like, partial




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU2444782 True 449 TUCP 0.53 3 41810795 41814201


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110509166 LOC106596257 coding downstream 169629 41630582 ~ 41641166 (-)
znf414 znf414 coding downstream 183955 41587299 ~ 41626840 (-)
si:ch211-106k21.5 LOC106596230 coding downstream 242050 41551990 ~ 41568745 (-)
LOC110509161 rs8 coding downstream 274598 41532971 ~ 41536197 (-)
LOC110508267 LOC106596213 coding upstream 92581 41906782 ~ 42137364 (-)
cfap410 cunh21orf2 coding upstream 546546 42360747 ~ 42368140 (-)
LOC118944818 NA coding upstream 555664 42369865 ~ 42370480 (-)
LOC110509173 NA coding upstream 586314 42400515 ~ 42410701 (-)
LOC110509174 them6 coding upstream 657690 42471891 ~ 42493837 (-)
G2137639 NA non-coding downstream 54578 41755994 ~ 41756217 (-)
G2137636 NA non-coding downstream 61727 41748668 ~ 41749068 (-)
G2137632 NA non-coding downstream 67535 41742821 ~ 41743260 (-)
G2137626 NA non-coding downstream 103495 41706937 ~ 41707300 (-)
G2137625 NA non-coding downstream 106580 41703948 ~ 41704215 (-)
G2137652 LOC106596213 non-coding upstream 10141 41824342 ~ 41834534 (-)
G2137660 LOC106596213 non-coding upstream 29881 41844082 ~ 41852435 (-)
G2137662 NA non-coding upstream 41251 41855452 ~ 41856489 (-)
G2137663 NA non-coding upstream 67757 41881958 ~ 41882358 (-)
G2137667 NA non-coding upstream 82642 41896843 ~ 41897346 (-)
G2137555 NA other downstream 74406 41731714 ~ 41736389 (-)
G2137419 NA other downstream 549524 41260800 ~ 41261271 (-)
G2137111 NA other downstream 1335094 40472088 ~ 40475701 (-)
G2137086 NA other downstream 1395255 40415303 ~ 40415540 (-)
G2137814 LOC106597294 other upstream 406721 42220922 ~ 42226965 (-)
G2138294 LOC106594920 other upstream 535015 42349216 ~ 42351452 (-)
emilin2a LOC106595984 other upstream 1560546 43343531 ~ 43398034 (-)


G2137648(LOC106596196) Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 6.
End of interactive chart.

G2137648(LOC106596196) Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 10 bars.
G2137648(LOC106596196) Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 25.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network