
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G2266826
gene name NA
gene type unknown
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_050571.1
NCBI id CM025858.1
chromosome length 44108611
location 26934720 ~ 26935889 (+)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome







RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU2593017 True 885 TUCP 0.39 2 26934720 26935889


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110504416 diaph1 coding upstream 450728 26298775 ~ 26483992 (+)
LOC118946064 NA coding upstream 643050 26289725 ~ 26292004 (+)
LOC110504418 LOC106604872 coding upstream 658315 26213009 ~ 26276405 (+)
LOC110504415 dock2 coding upstream 816992 25980922 ~ 26117728 (+)
LOC110504854 LOC106611908 coding upstream 1004116 25880623 ~ 25930604 (+)
LOC110504898 LOC106611819 coding downstream 189731 27125620 ~ 27174120 (+)
LOC110504902 k0141 coding downstream 763800 27699689 ~ 27711246 (+)
LOC110504904 LOC106611814 coding downstream 775863 27711752 ~ 27774452 (+)
trnap-ugg-72 NA coding downstream 956512 27892401 ~ 27892472 (+)
LOC110504908 NA coding downstream 957597 27893486 ~ 27896473 (+)
G2266813 NA non-coding upstream 15924 26915156 ~ 26918796 (+)
G2266789 LOC106611688 non-coding upstream 55085 26873871 ~ 26879635 (+)
G2266786 LOC106611845 non-coding upstream 58413 26863343 ~ 26876307 (+)
G2266784 LOC106611685 non-coding upstream 61958 26858211 ~ 26872762 (+)
G2266729 NA non-coding upstream 193931 26735808 ~ 26740789 (+)
G2266845 LOC106611823 non-coding downstream 38423 26974312 ~ 26978980 (+)
G2266848 LOC106611822 non-coding downstream 52580 26988469 ~ 26989173 (+)
G2266850 NA non-coding downstream 56551 26992440 ~ 26992741 (+)
G2267173 NA non-coding downstream 67548 27003437 ~ 27003676 (+)
G2267236 NA non-coding downstream 143159 27079048 ~ 27079268 (+)
G2266668 LOC106611853 other upstream 313772 26588592 ~ 26620948 (+)
G2265744 NA other upstream 956082 25978135 ~ 25978638 (+)
LOC110504852 LOC106611898 other upstream 1109180 25820435 ~ 25838497 (+)
G2268340 NA other downstream 1830988 28766877 ~ 28767729 (+)
G2268400 LOC106611722 other downstream 1960866 28896755 ~ 28898079 (+)
G2271027 NA other downstream 4241001 31176890 ~ 31181107 (+)
G2272912 LOC106611792 other downstream 5927547 32863436 ~ 32866226 (+)
LOC110505056 LOC105028844 other downstream 6480201 33328263 ~ 33421963 (+)


G2266826 Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 0.75.
End of interactive chart.

G2266826 Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 6 bars.
G2266826 Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 14.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network