psmb2 (psmb2)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id psmb2
gene name psmb2
gene type coding
species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_050572.1
NCBI id CM025859.1
chromosome length 41837469
location 35716797 ~ 35727426 (-)
genome version USDA_OmykA_1.1_2020_rainbow_trout_Genome




symbol description
psmb2 Predicted to enable peptidase activity. Predicted to be involved in proteasomal protein catabolic process. Predicted to act upstream of or within proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process. Predicted to be located in cytoplasm. Predicted to be part of proteasome core complex, beta-subunit complex. Predicted to be active in cytosol and nucleus. Orthologous to human PSMB2 (proteasome 20S subunit beta 2).


proteasome subunit beta type-2-like


id name namespace
GO:0051603 proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process biological_process
GO:0005839 proteasome core complex cellular_component
GO:0005634 nucleus cellular_component
GO:0005737 cytoplasm cellular_component
GO:0004298 threonine-type endopeptidase activity molecular_function


id description
K02734 PSMB2; 20S proteasome subunit beta 4


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_021562048.2 True 870 mRNA 0.49 6 35716797 35727426


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
LOC110489259 kiaa0319l coding downstream 23919 35656975 ~ 35692878 (-)
LOC110489284 cap1 coding downstream 62447 35644009 ~ 35654350 (-)
LOC110489279 LOC106570030 coding downstream 77662 35625193 ~ 35639135 (-)
LOC100136004 LOC100136485 coding downstream 123212 35590044 ~ 35593585 (-)
LOC110489285 ef1a coding downstream 126957 35585881 ~ 35589840 (-)
LOC110489305 cssa14h1orf216 coding upstream 7877 35735303 ~ 35740939 (-)
LOC110489257 clspn coding upstream 25400 35752826 ~ 35776272 (-)
c19h1orf109 ca109 coding upstream 91411 35818837 ~ 35822679 (-)
LOC110487605 LOC106570040 coding upstream 120132 35847558 ~ 36021209 (-)
LOC110488379 ppce coding upstream 510870 36238296 ~ 36260500 (-)
G2322918 NA non-coding downstream 1260 35714547 ~ 35715537 (-)
G2322905 NA non-coding downstream 23022 35693349 ~ 35693775 (-)
G2322904 NA non-coding downstream 25000 35691588 ~ 35691797 (-)
G2322903 NA non-coding downstream 25212 35691257 ~ 35691585 (-)
G2322901 NA non-coding downstream 26173 35690175 ~ 35690624 (-)
G2322935 NA non-coding upstream 7093 35734519 ~ 35734825 (-)
G2322940 NA non-coding upstream 14794 35742220 ~ 35742579 (-)
G2322945 NA non-coding upstream 17609 35745035 ~ 35745288 (-)
G2322950 NA non-coding upstream 21680 35749106 ~ 35749400 (-)
G2323146 ago4 non-coding upstream 49854 35777280 ~ 35785043 (-)
G2322592 NA other downstream 147381 35568749 ~ 35569416 (-)
G2322545 LOC106595184 other downstream 195343 35477914 ~ 35521454 (-)
LOC110489319 LOC106570022 other downstream 362123 35352788 ~ 35356932 (-)
G2322701 LOC106588461 other downstream 524668 35184884 ~ 35192129 (-)
LOC110487602 LOC106570003 other downstream 1049846 34662296 ~ 34715706 (-)
G2323152 NA other upstream 83624 35811050 ~ 35814601 (-)
LOC110488406 med30 other upstream 1477173 37204063 ~ 37240288 (-)
si:ch211-153f2.3 LOC104957086 other upstream 1541185 37268611 ~ 37274589 (-)
LOC110517080 tmem42 other upstream 2153513 37880939 ~ 37884444 (-)
G2327199 NA other upstream 3326871 39054297 ~ 39057009 (-)


psmb2(psmb2) Expression in all Baseline Samples

Bar chart with 20 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 200.
End of interactive chart.

psmb2(psmb2) Expression in each Bioproject

Bar chart with 18 bars.
psmb2(psmb2) Expression in each Sample
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Expression. Range: 0 to 4000.
End of interactive chart.

Co-expression Network