cks2 (LOC104918474,LOC108230759,LOC102216377,LOC104949087,LOC105011584)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id cks2
gene name LOC104918474,LOC108230759,LOC102216377,LOC104949087,LOC105011584
gene type misc
species eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_053120.1
NCBI id CM020917.1
chromosome length 41568296
location 24204341 ~ 24208141 (+)
genome version GENO_Pfluv_1.0_2020_eurasian_perch_Genome





PREDICTED: cyclin-dependent kinases regulatory subunit 1-like


id name namespace
GO:0045859 regulation of protein kinase activity biological_process
GO:0007049 cell cycle biological_process
GO:0051301 cell division biological_process
GO:0016538 cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase regulator activity molecular_function


id description
K02219 CKS1; cyclin-dependent kinase regulatory subunit CKS1


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU131961 False 864 lncRNA 0.40 3 24204365 24208101
XM_039811050.1 True 928 mRNA 0.39 3 24204341 24208141


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
ankrd24 ankrd24,LOC106918341,LOC106947862,LOC102780339,LOC103142601 coding upstream 21313 24168358 ~ 24183028 (+)
s1pr3a LOC104942240,LOC103398206 coding upstream 66827 24133664 ~ 24137514 (+)
tle2b LOC103463550,LOC105936873,LOC103142606,LOC108230720,LOC101484064,LOC102310211,LOC101064354 coding upstream 205957 23913948 ~ 23998384 (+)
tle5 aes,LOC108430095 coding upstream 324175 23836670 ~ 23880166 (+)
LOC120565386 LOC104923650,LOC102308979,LOC100710383,LOC103369973,LOC102790487 coding upstream 368687 23790086 ~ 23835654 (+)
foxe3 foxe3,LOC104952243,LOC102794361 coding downstream 70255 24278396 ~ 24281064 (+)
foxd2 LOC104918470,LOC103372816,LOC100707784 coding downstream 78963 24287104 ~ 24288689 (+)
scyl3 scyl3 coding downstream 273562 24481703 ~ 24488751 (+)
sele NA coding downstream 307293 24515434 ~ 24519540 (+)
LOC120565835 NA coding downstream 312493 24520634 ~ 24524358 (+)
G97728 NA non-coding upstream 113022 24090543 ~ 24091319 (+)
G97702 NA non-coding upstream 204119 23998401 ~ 24000222 (+)
G97679 NA non-coding upstream 490878 23712097 ~ 23713463 (+)
G97657 NA non-coding upstream 499057 23704936 ~ 23705284 (+)
G97615 NA non-coding upstream 701763 23500976 ~ 23502578 (+)
G97788 odf3l2,LOC104949085 non-coding downstream 88 24208229 ~ 24209290 (+)
G97789 NA non-coding downstream 3719 24211860 ~ 24213859 (+)
G97807 sac3d1 non-coding downstream 46329 24254470 ~ 24256081 (+)
LOC120565067 NA non-coding downstream 101468 24309609 ~ 24365175 (+)
G97896 LOC104918463,LOC104952282 non-coding downstream 303830 24511971 ~ 24513033 (+)
cdc34a cdc34,LOC103368917,LOC104923648,LOC103397164,LOC107393183,LOC103156874 other upstream 553828 23631119 ~ 23650513 (+)
G97596 lpl,LOC108280930,LOC105906969 other upstream 726523 23474782 ~ 23477818 (+)
LOC120565078 LOC104955513,LOC104923635,LOC103365215,LOC100690174 other upstream 823966 23378731 ~ 23380375 (+)
pole4 NA other upstream 880857 23321464 ~ 23323484 (+)
LOC120565086 NA other upstream 900650 23300806 ~ 23303691 (+)
LOC120565649 LOC103373964,LOC107081966 other downstream 540876 24749017 ~ 24765225 (+)
G98012 dmbx1,LOC103373966,LOC108230579 other downstream 573777 24781918 ~ 24783881 (+)
elovl1b LOC106963699,LOC101078639 other downstream 644146 24852287 ~ 24873916 (+)
G98194 NA other downstream 1324684 25532825 ~ 25547089 (+)
slc35a3a slc35a3,LOC101471768,LOC102790943,LOC100705874,LOC108230529,LOC103354215,LOC106515047 other downstream 1522084 25730225 ~ 25738789 (+)


Co-expression Network