ndufc2 (ndufc2,LOC101465984,LOC102192131,LOC100708544)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id ndufc2
gene name ndufc2,LOC101465984,LOC102192131,LOC100708544
gene type coding
species eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_053113.1
NCBI id CM020910.1
chromosome length 48524041
location 41276007 ~ 41278704 (-)
genome version GENO_Pfluv_1.0_2020_eurasian_perch_Genome




symbol description
ndufc2 Predicted to enable NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity. Predicted to act upstream of or within mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone. Predicted to be located in mitochondrial inner membrane and respirasome. Predicted to be integral component of membrane. Predicted to be part of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in nuclear type mitochondrial complex I deficiency. Orthologous to human NDUFC2 (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C2).


NADH dehydrogenase 1 subunit C2


id name namespace
GO:0006120 mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone biological_process
GO:0005743 mitochondrial inner membrane cellular_component
GO:0070469 respirasome cellular_component
GO:0008137 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity molecular_function


id description
K03968 NDUFC2; NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 subunit C2


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_039791504.1 True 576 mRNA 0.47 3 41276007 41278704


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
rcbtb2 rcbtb2,LOC100697269 coding downstream 126900 41132687 ~ 41149107 (-)
lpar6a lpar6,LOC104952799,LOC101069375,LOC103363548 coding downstream 156712 41116678 ~ 41119295 (-)
trnak-uuu_7 NA coding downstream 244129 41031806 ~ 41031878 (-)
cog6 cog6,LOC102796367 coding downstream 320943 40924025 ~ 40955064 (-)
slc25a15a slc25a15,LOC103152068,LOC106945435,LOC103475195 coding downstream 431169 40835668 ~ 40844838 (-)
yap1 yap1 coding upstream 516649 41795353 ~ 41827949 (-)
cep126 NA coding upstream 554800 41833504 ~ 41852550 (-)
LOC120547924 NA coding upstream 608280 41886984 ~ 41996347 (-)
ttc36 ttc36 coding upstream 988370 42267074 ~ 42269422 (-)
fat3a fat3 coding upstream 1114584 42393288 ~ 42621960 (-)
G23141 NA non-coding downstream 18641 41255374 ~ 41257366 (-)
G23127 NA non-coding downstream 53545 41170684 ~ 41222462 (-)
G23130 fndc3a non-coding downstream 77037 41196693 ~ 41198970 (-)
G23069 NA non-coding downstream 258943 41016646 ~ 41017064 (-)
G23015 NA non-coding downstream 500083 40771887 ~ 40775924 (-)
G23151 NA non-coding upstream 13001 41291705 ~ 41291910 (-)
G23161 NA non-coding upstream 37167 41315871 ~ 41316083 (-)
G23258 NA non-coding upstream 489414 41768118 ~ 41795303 (-)
LOC120547933 NA non-coding upstream 609909 41888613 ~ 41896183 (-)
G23328 NA non-coding upstream 957964 42236668 ~ 42237159 (-)
cadm2b cadm2,LOC100695412,LOC103378151,LOC106520568,LOC102793287 other downstream 805831 40290005 ~ 40470176 (-)
LOC120546248 LOC103363423,LOC101478053,LOC102201911,LOC102303851 other downstream 1242851 39943571 ~ 40033156 (-)
LOC120570635 sel1l3,LOC103353588 other downstream 2540184 38727508 ~ 38735823 (-)
robo2 NA other downstream 2627408 38353024 ~ 38648599 (-)
p4ha3 p4ha3 other downstream 3529725 37732841 ~ 37746282 (-)
cntn5 NA other upstream 750969 42029673 ~ 42167037 (-)
LOC120574039 nlk,nlk2 other upstream 1957978 43236682 ~ 43346673 (-)
LOC120553425 NA other upstream 2422267 43700971 ~ 43716741 (-)
smco4 NA other upstream 2491362 43770066 ~ 43789435 (-)
mrps23 mrps23 other upstream 3537924 44816628 ~ 44824993 (-)


Co-expression Network