G222062 (cdh20,LOC103456703,LOC102782851)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G222062
gene name cdh20,LOC103456703,LOC102782851
gene type non-coding
species eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_053133.1
NCBI id CM020930.1
chromosome length 31697812
location 24609461 ~ 24609679 (-)
genome version GENO_Pfluv_1.0_2020_eurasian_perch_Genome




symbol description
cdh20 Predicted to enable cadherin binding activity and calcium ion binding activity. Predicted to be involved in calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell adhesion molecules; cell morphogenesis; and cell-cell junction organization. Predicted to be integral component of membrane. Predicted to be part of catenin complex. Predicted to be active in adherens junction.






RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU300416 True 219 lncRNA 0.64 1 24609461 24609679


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
mc4r LOC104930272,LOC103365861,LOC104961440 coding downstream 248245 24357609 ~ 24361216 (-)
drosha drosha coding downstream 311610 24193378 ~ 24297851 (-)
cdh10a LOC102783614,LOC100705471,LOC101477094,LOC102310056,LOC102199257 coding downstream 942604 23633683 ~ 23666857 (-)
LOC120552656 cdh18,LOC102310872 coding downstream 1301426 23128644 ~ 23308035 (-)
LOC120552718 NA coding downstream 1538564 23068720 ~ 23070897 (-)
rnf152 rnf152 coding upstream 50432 24660111 ~ 24723840 (-)
LOC120552289 NA coding upstream 154982 24764661 ~ 24770211 (-)
LOC120552302 NA coding upstream 162227 24771906 ~ 24777805 (-)
psme2 psme2 coding upstream 252831 24862510 ~ 24869834 (-)
emc9 emc9 coding upstream 308693 24918372 ~ 24923172 (-)
G222041 LOC104961439,LOC108234716,LOC107988374,LOC107089423 non-coding downstream 416661 24189134 ~ 24192800 (-)
G222039 NA non-coding downstream 431474 24177740 ~ 24177987 (-)
G222038 LOC104961439,LOC107383085 non-coding downstream 440912 24168312 ~ 24168549 (-)
G222037 LOC105920180,LOC107100491,LOC106522295,LOC107383085 non-coding downstream 456699 24152479 ~ 24152762 (-)
G222012 NA non-coding downstream 785783 23823353 ~ 23823678 (-)
G222088 NA non-coding upstream 185187 24794866 ~ 24795350 (-)
LOC120552180 NA non-coding upstream 284893 24894572 ~ 24904700 (-)
LOC120552179 NA non-coding upstream 318645 24928324 ~ 24954497 (-)
G223155 NA non-coding upstream 386947 24996626 ~ 25023914 (-)
G223181 NA non-coding upstream 397810 25007489 ~ 25011818 (-)
LOC120552322 cdh12,LOC108234660,LOC100695194,LOC101477368 other downstream 1089935 23401543 ~ 23519526 (-)
smpx smpx other downstream 2391080 22202767 ~ 22218381 (-)
LOC120552473 NA other downstream 2488850 22114382 ~ 22120611 (-)
tfr1b NA other downstream 2598375 21990017 ~ 22011086 (-)
rbis LOC101064519,LOC103367294,LOC102312013 other downstream 3387794 21217680 ~ 21221667 (-)
avl9 avl9 other upstream 186910 24796589 ~ 24854888 (-)
msl2b msl2,LOC102304425,LOC102778660 other upstream 353738 24963417 ~ 24968106 (-)
LOC120552232 LOC103371349 other upstream 426205 25035884 ~ 25086902 (-)
LOC120552299 NA other upstream 946794 25556473 ~ 25562540 (-)
LOC120552722 NA other upstream 1112811 25722490 ~ 25738940 (-)


Co-expression Network