fabp7a (fabp7a,LOC108443406,LOC108269522,LOC107693085,LOC107723744,LOC107583466,LOC107751758)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id fabp7a
gene name fabp7a,LOC108443406,LOC108269522,LOC107693085,LOC107723744,LOC107583466,LOC107751758
gene type coding
species striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)
category of species economic fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_047604.1
NCBI id CM018550.1
chromosome length 29376037
location 25504482 ~ 25506510 (+)
genome version GENO_Phyp_1.0_2019_striped_catfish_Genome




symbol description
fabp7a Predicted to enable fatty acid binding activity. Is expressed in several structures, including gill; immature eye; nervous system; neural tube; and pleuroperitoneal region. Orthologous to human FABP7 (fatty acid binding protein 7).


PREDICTED: fatty acid-binding protein, brain-like


id name namespace
GO:0006810 transport biological_process
GO:0005504 fatty acid binding molecular_function
GO:0005215 transporter activity molecular_function


id description
K08756 FABP7; fatty acid-binding protein 7, brain


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_026925940.2 True 688 mRNA 0.43 4 25504482 25506510


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
cx40.8 LOC108269439,LOC108443405,LOC103044257 coding upstream 10227 25490275 ~ 25494255 (+)
si:ch211-266g18.6 LOC107680798 coding upstream 15320 25469458 ~ 25489162 (+)
gnpnat1 gnpnat1,LOC107693128 coding upstream 115822 25381712 ~ 25388660 (+)
gpr137c gpr137c coding upstream 265891 25206836 ~ 25238591 (+)
LOC117598271 LOC108191637 coding upstream 331168 25171545 ~ 25173314 (+)
marcksb LOC108270344 coding downstream 72383 25578893 ~ 25582638 (+)
rragd LOC108270433,LOC108435430,LOC107755772,LOC107693082,LOC107583676,LOC107751745 coding downstream 178339 25684849 ~ 25704808 (+)
gabrr2a gabrr2a,LOC108269496,LOC108435431,LOC107693119,LOC107755784,LOC107680781 coding downstream 213015 25719525 ~ 25738670 (+)
syne3 syne3 coding downstream 234565 25741075 ~ 25772866 (+)
clmn clmn,LOC107583621 coding downstream 288065 25794575 ~ 25828035 (+)
G171523 NA non-coding upstream 114977 25389366 ~ 25389505 (+)
G171522 NA non-coding upstream 115316 25388772 ~ 25389166 (+)
G171485 NA non-coding upstream 224805 25271849 ~ 25279677 (+)
G171440 NA non-coding upstream 265418 25189165 ~ 25239064 (+)
G171430 LOC108191637 non-coding upstream 328249 25175826 ~ 25176233 (+)
G171619 NA non-coding downstream 11606 25518116 ~ 25522689 (+)
G171647 col10a1a,LOC108270375,LOC108443413,LOC102306528,LOC102208108,LOC107680775,LOC107564946,LOC101475390,LOC100691618 non-coding downstream 80979 25587489 ~ 25592749 (+)
G171684 NA non-coding downstream 175884 25682394 ~ 25778732 (+)
LOC117598331 NA non-coding downstream 1119430 26625940 ~ 26686726 (+)
G172052 NA non-coding downstream 1283013 26789523 ~ 26789807 (+)
LOC113534148 NA other upstream 73553 25426891 ~ 25430929 (+)
samd4a samd4a other upstream 186205 25258811 ~ 25318277 (+)
LOC117598238 LOC108191637 other upstream 326585 25176374 ~ 25177897 (+)
G171329 NA other upstream 496716 25003983 ~ 25007766 (+)
cx28.6 LOC108269818,LOC108441857,LOC101482426,LOC102791942,LOC102199391,LOC100705227,LOC102313633,LOC107679991 other upstream 503863 24994493 ~ 25000619 (+)
nrxn3a nrxn3,LOC107583487 other downstream 1649833 27156343 ~ 27467566 (+)
trnak-uuu_7 NA other downstream 2218697 27725207 ~ 27725279 (+)
LOC113533782 cldn20,LOC108269830,LOC107573130,LOC107675320,LOC107571061,LOC101886267,LOC107728965,LOC108443299 other downstream 2521490 28028000 ~ 28071081 (+)
brms1la brms1l,brms1la,LOC107682295,LOC107693096 other downstream 3354952 28861462 ~ 28935700 (+)
kif28 kif28p,LOC108270380 other downstream 3547723 29054233 ~ 29138878 (+)


Co-expression Network