AMCG00002521 (cpne4a,LOC108425151,LOC107710314,LOC107602385,LOC107654757)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id AMCG00002521
gene name cpne4a,LOC108425151,LOC107710314,LOC107602385,LOC107654757
gene type coding
species bowfin (Amia calva)
category of species ecological fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030136.1
NCBI id CM030136.1
chromosome length 27394605
location 17558828 ~ 17572989 (-)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome




symbol description
cpne4a Predicted to enable calcium-dependent phospholipid binding activity. Predicted to be involved in cellular response to calcium ion. Predicted to be located in membrane. Predicted to be integral component of membrane. Predicted to be active in plasma membrane. Is expressed in ventral habenular nucleus. Orthologous to human CPNE4 (copine 4).


PREDICTED: copine-4




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
AMCG00002521 True 642 mRNA 0.49 5 17558828 17572989


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
AMCG00002522 NA coding downstream 5314 17544840 ~ 17553514 (-)
AMCG00002519 mrpl3,LOC107748644,LOC107688359,LOC107710340 coding downstream 28594 17519005 ~ 17530234 (-)
AMCG00002518 NA coding downstream 134934 17416137 ~ 17423894 (-)
AMCG00002515 pik3r4,LOC107556101,LOC107588487 coding downstream 186866 17354650 ~ 17371962 (-)
AMCG00002516 NA coding downstream 250272 17307266 ~ 17308556 (-)
AMCG00002520 LOC107710314 coding upstream 25660 17598649 ~ 17606949 (-)
AMCG00002523 NA coding upstream 105033 17678022 ~ 17685297 (-)
AMCG00002530 NA coding upstream 265590 17838579 ~ 17857068 (-)
AMCG00002531 NA coding upstream 303016 17876005 ~ 17902810 (-)
AMCG00002532 NA coding upstream 485543 18058532 ~ 18062065 (-)
G123705 NA non-coding downstream 320284 17234370 ~ 17238544 (-)
G123646 NA non-coding downstream 483279 17075312 ~ 17075549 (-)
G123642 NA non-coding downstream 508772 16995129 ~ 17050056 (-)
G123637 NA non-coding downstream 576182 16980831 ~ 16982646 (-)
G123527 NA non-coding downstream 903965 16653499 ~ 16654863 (-)
G123788 NA non-coding upstream 87078 17660067 ~ 17675110 (-)
G123824 ctnnb1 non-coding upstream 238529 17811518 ~ 17815466 (-)
G123845 NA non-coding upstream 478108 18051097 ~ 18052332 (-)
G123876 NA non-coding upstream 632679 18205668 ~ 18206132 (-)
G123926 NA non-coding upstream 896245 18469234 ~ 18469607 (-)
AMCG00002503 NA other downstream 584527 16958162 ~ 16974301 (-)
G123585 NA other downstream 719106 16836156 ~ 16839722 (-)
G123263 NA other downstream 2612517 14941260 ~ 14946311 (-)
AMCG00002421 sec61b,LOC102796100 other downstream 3904581 13649227 ~ 13654247 (-)
G122862 NA other downstream 4529422 13028197 ~ 13029406 (-)
AMCG00002524 NA other upstream 117019 17690008 ~ 17706289 (-)
G123829 NA other upstream 349463 17922452 ~ 17989465 (-)
AMCG00002533 ulk4,LOC107704090 other upstream 360475 17933464 ~ 18041573 (-)
AMCG00002584 NA other upstream 4074066 21647055 ~ 21678545 (-)
AMCG00002596 NA other upstream 4328303 21901292 ~ 21902597 (-)


Co-expression Network


species gene id symbol gene type chromosome NCBI id location