AMCG00005162 (camsap2,LOC105906931,LOC107679834)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id AMCG00005162
gene name camsap2,LOC105906931,LOC107679834
gene type coding
species bowfin (Amia calva)
category of species ecological fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030140.1
NCBI id CM030140.1
chromosome length 22460246
location 17101527 ~ 17109305 (-)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome




symbol description
camsap2 Enables microtubule minus-end binding activity. Involved in several processes, including axon development; regulation of dendrite development; and regulation of organelle organization. Located in cytosol and microtubule end. Colocalizes with Golgi apparatus; centrosome; and microtubule minus-end.


PREDICTED: calmodulin-regulated spectrin-associated protein 2




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
AMCG00005162 True 402 mRNA 0.55 2 17101527 17109305


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
AMCG00005163 NA coding downstream 13853 17064599 ~ 17087674 (-)
AMCG00005164 wdr47,LOC102290984 coding downstream 38970 17048045 ~ 17062557 (-)
AMCG00005165 NA coding downstream 68101 17005310 ~ 17033426 (-)
AMCG00005149 NA coding downstream 121169 16975583 ~ 16980358 (-)
AMCG00005150 NA coding downstream 140658 16954875 ~ 16960869 (-)
AMCG00005154 nr5a2,rtftz-f1,LOC106613481,LOC106574163 coding upstream 115452 17224757 ~ 17241719 (-)
AMCG00005153 nr5a2,LOC106613481 coding upstream 152609 17261914 ~ 17278554 (-)
AMCG00005156 NA coding upstream 292264 17401569 ~ 17433655 (-)
AMCG00005159 nek7 coding upstream 365217 17474522 ~ 17491386 (-)
AMCG00005157 lhx9,LOC107674936,LOC107556179,LOC107699434,LOC107586419,LOC107741549,LOC107712183 coding upstream 413308 17522613 ~ 17530487 (-)
G145760 NA non-coding downstream 136453 16964203 ~ 16965074 (-)
G145680 LOC101077364,LOC107383562,LOC104957225 non-coding downstream 726110 16374662 ~ 16375417 (-)
G145441 NA non-coding downstream 1834579 15261347 ~ 15266948 (-)
G145436 NA non-coding downstream 1843863 15255889 ~ 15257664 (-)
G145434 NA non-coding downstream 1846639 15253513 ~ 15254888 (-)
G145995 NA non-coding upstream 915460 18024765 ~ 18025674 (-)
G146022 NA non-coding upstream 1188542 18297847 ~ 18298103 (-)
G146023 NA non-coding upstream 1242562 18351867 ~ 18352132 (-)
G146189 NA non-coding upstream 1974690 19083995 ~ 19086041 (-)
G146227 NA non-coding upstream 2109086 19218391 ~ 19219758 (-)
AMCG00005114 tmem56,LOC107712816,LOC107677262,LOC107657764,LOC106578492,LOC106570700,LOC102779182 other downstream 1122672 15958704 ~ 15978855 (-)
AMCG00005111 NA other downstream 1566382 15503082 ~ 15535145 (-)
AMCG00005077 arpc5,arpc5b,LOC103032016,LOC108431159,LOC107698380,LOC104921830 other downstream 2132285 14964414 ~ 14969242 (-)
G145046 NA other downstream 3764781 13336209 ~ 13336746 (-)
AMCG00005022 NA other downstream 4753199 12344671 ~ 12348328 (-)
AMCG00005158 NA other upstream 433841 17543146 ~ 17546332 (-)
AMCG00005207 LOC107384419,LOC103139997,LOC107082609 other upstream 1632579 18741884 ~ 18764298 (-)
AMCG00005214 NA other upstream 1903772 19013077 ~ 19024461 (-)
G146313 NA other upstream 2460754 19570059 ~ 19573318 (-)
AMCG00005240 NA other upstream 2648927 19758232 ~ 19761446 (-)


Co-expression Network