AMCG00005185 (cdc73,LOC101483205,LOC105941386,LOC106633477)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id AMCG00005185
gene name cdc73,LOC101483205,LOC105941386,LOC106633477
gene type coding
species bowfin (Amia calva)
category of species ecological fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030140.1
NCBI id CM030140.1
chromosome length 22460246
location 18011528 ~ 18022231 (-)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome




symbol description
cdc73 Predicted to enable RNA polymerase II complex binding activity. Involved in heart development. Acts upstream of or within erythrocyte differentiation; regulation of transcription elongation from RNA polymerase II promoter; and spinal cord oligodendrocyte cell differentiation. Located in nucleus. Part of Cdc73/Paf1 complex. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in hyperparathyroidism and parathyroid carcinoma. Orthologous to human CDC73 (cell division cycle 73).





id description
K15175 CDC73; parafibromin


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
AMCG00005185 True 825 mRNA 0.52 6 18011528 18022231


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
AMCG00005171 NA coding downstream 28160 17982339 ~ 17983368 (-)
AMCG00005170 cdc73 coding downstream 35879 17972354 ~ 17975649 (-)
AMCG00005174 NA coding downstream 236102 17761420 ~ 17775426 (-)
AMCG00005177 NA coding downstream 266741 17735308 ~ 17744787 (-)
AMCG00005175 NA coding downstream 276304 17707718 ~ 17735224 (-)
AMCG00005184 NA coding upstream 6012 18028243 ~ 18036344 (-)
AMCG00005183 NA coding upstream 24460 18046691 ~ 18049244 (-)
AMCG00005187 NA coding upstream 41598 18063829 ~ 18066368 (-)
AMCG00005186 NA coding upstream 48201 18070432 ~ 18073923 (-)
AMCG00005179 NA coding upstream 65174 18087405 ~ 18089115 (-)
G145760 NA non-coding downstream 1046454 16964203 ~ 16965074 (-)
G145680 LOC101077364,LOC107383562,LOC104957225 non-coding downstream 1636111 16374662 ~ 16375417 (-)
G145441 NA non-coding downstream 2744580 15261347 ~ 15266948 (-)
G145436 NA non-coding downstream 2753864 15255889 ~ 15257664 (-)
G145434 NA non-coding downstream 2756640 15253513 ~ 15254888 (-)
G145995 NA non-coding upstream 2534 18024765 ~ 18025674 (-)
G146022 NA non-coding upstream 275616 18297847 ~ 18298103 (-)
G146023 NA non-coding upstream 329636 18351867 ~ 18352132 (-)
G146189 NA non-coding upstream 1061764 19083995 ~ 19086041 (-)
G146227 NA non-coding upstream 1196160 19218391 ~ 19219758 (-)
AMCG00005158 NA other downstream 465196 17543146 ~ 17546332 (-)
AMCG00005114 tmem56,LOC107712816,LOC107677262,LOC107657764,LOC106578492,LOC106570700,LOC102779182 other downstream 2032673 15958704 ~ 15978855 (-)
AMCG00005111 NA other downstream 2476383 15503082 ~ 15535145 (-)
AMCG00005077 arpc5,arpc5b,LOC103032016,LOC108431159,LOC107698380,LOC104921830 other downstream 3042286 14964414 ~ 14969242 (-)
G145046 NA other downstream 4674782 13336209 ~ 13336746 (-)
AMCG00005207 LOC107384419,LOC103139997,LOC107082609 other upstream 719653 18741884 ~ 18764298 (-)
AMCG00005214 NA other upstream 990846 19013077 ~ 19024461 (-)
G146313 NA other upstream 1547828 19570059 ~ 19573318 (-)
AMCG00005240 NA other upstream 1736001 19758232 ~ 19761446 (-)
AMCG00005256 cpt2,clg17h1orf123,c20h1orf123,cunh1orf123,LOC107668114,LOC107585892,LOC107695271,LOC108441638,LOC107549124,LOC105891296,LOC105925314,LOC106930840,LOC103363808 other upstream 1976936 19999167 ~ 20023507 (-)


Co-expression Network


species gene id symbol gene type chromosome NCBI id location
zebrafish (Danio rerio) XLOC_015271 cdc73 coding NC_007113.7 CM002886.2 11946554 ~ 12003175 (+)