AMCG00005684 (LOC107747042,LOC107744626,LOC107699258,LOC107693951,LOC103378375,LOC104941230,LOC107726096,LOC103364401)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id AMCG00005684
gene name LOC107747042,LOC107744626,LOC107699258,LOC107693951,LOC103378375,LOC104941230,LOC107726096,LOC103364401
gene type coding
species bowfin (Amia calva)
category of species ecological fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030142.1
NCBI id CM030142.1
chromosome length 21087710
location 7102290 ~ 7107774 (-)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome





PREDICTED: mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 13-like




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
AMCG00005684 True 312 mRNA 0.63 3 7102290 7107774


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
AMCG00005679 med13a,LOC104957374 coding downstream 24986 7053710 ~ 7077304 (-)
AMCG00005680 ints2,LOC107744627 coding downstream 53808 7037683 ~ 7048482 (-)
AMCG00005677 NA coding downstream 65234 7024185 ~ 7037056 (-)
AMCG00005676 NA coding downstream 79392 7017945 ~ 7022898 (-)
AMCG00005678 LOC106567973,LOC106603516,LOC107685783,LOC107712159,LOC107595527 coding downstream 85350 7016548 ~ 7016940 (-)
AMCG00005683 rps6kb1b,LOC108443350,LOC107701421 coding upstream 49423 7157197 ~ 7169389 (-)
AMCG00005689 NA coding upstream 107579 7215353 ~ 7215643 (-)
AMCG00005687 NA coding upstream 122132 7229906 ~ 7232875 (-)
AMCG00005688 cltc,cltcb,LOC108443353,LOC105907438 coding upstream 136176 7243950 ~ 7276480 (-)
AMCG00005659 NA coding upstream 173846 7281620 ~ 7292372 (-)
G153638 NA non-coding downstream 48731 7052805 ~ 7053559 (-)
G153586 NA non-coding downstream 166614 6935430 ~ 6935676 (-)
G153514 NA non-coding downstream 439794 6647316 ~ 6662496 (-)
G153487 NA non-coding downstream 538720 6560939 ~ 6563570 (-)
G153379 NA non-coding downstream 845118 6240402 ~ 6257172 (-)
G153678 vmp1,LOC105021956,LOC107728773 non-coding upstream 71854 7179628 ~ 7202286 (-)
G153681 NA non-coding upstream 170730 7278504 ~ 7278765 (-)
G153742 NA non-coding upstream 767013 7874787 ~ 7875042 (-)
G153778 cct6a non-coding upstream 874256 7982030 ~ 7983931 (-)
G153779 NA non-coding upstream 876466 7984240 ~ 8021640 (-)
AMCG00005674 NA other downstream 605719 6490255 ~ 6496571 (-)
AMCG00005628 LOC107090330,LOC102220786 other downstream 868262 6232159 ~ 6234028 (-)
G153342 NA other downstream 1019424 6081235 ~ 6082866 (-)
G153130 NA other downstream 1800092 5300769 ~ 5302198 (-)
AMCG00005539 NA other downstream 2809419 4284717 ~ 4292871 (-)
AMCG00005685 NA other upstream 1444 7109218 ~ 7145807 (-)
G153733 auts2 other upstream 677780 7785554 ~ 7788321 (-)
AMCG00005704 NA other upstream 891562 7999336 ~ 8001405 (-)
G153806 NA other upstream 983974 8091748 ~ 8124685 (-)
G154142 NA other upstream 1982648 9090422 ~ 9092573 (-)


Co-expression Network