G55595 (lsg1)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G55595
gene name lsg1
gene type non-coding
species bowfin (Amia calva)
category of species ecological fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030126.1
NCBI id CM030126.1
chromosome length 46242406
location 29993622 ~ 29994641 (+)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome




symbol description
lsg1 Predicted to enable GTP binding activity and GTPase activity. Predicted to be involved in ribosomal subunit export from nucleus. Predicted to act upstream of or within protein transport. Predicted to be located in Cajal body and endoplasmic reticulum. Predicted to be active in cytosol. Is expressed in eye; immature eye; midbrain; neural plate; and segmental plate. Orthologous to human LSG1 (large 60S subunit nuclear export GTPase 1).


PREDICTED: large subunit GTPase 1 homolog




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU69479 True 314 lncRNA 0.52 2 29993622 29994641


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
AMCG00009231 her6,hes1,LOC107711114,LOC107680502,LOC107582845,LOC107722674,LOC107685314 coding upstream 133253 29858925 ~ 29860369 (+)
AMCG00009226 opa1,LOC107585173,LOC107722677,LOC107711112,LOC107582739 coding upstream 251017 29717027 ~ 29742605 (+)
AMCG00009227 NA coding upstream 340285 29648617 ~ 29653337 (+)
AMCG00009222 tp63 coding upstream 420569 29563108 ~ 29573053 (+)
AMCG00009223 NA coding upstream 464128 29528879 ~ 29529494 (+)
AMCG00009237 fam43a,LOC106573864,LOC102785697 coding downstream 14161 30008802 ~ 30009842 (+)
AMCG00009238 NA coding downstream 192259 30186900 ~ 30208729 (+)
AMCG00009239 NA coding downstream 224228 30218869 ~ 30223477 (+)
AMCG00009250 NA coding downstream 270612 30265253 ~ 30298128 (+)
AMCG00009246 dis3l2 coding downstream 318153 30312794 ~ 30327528 (+)
G55586 NA non-coding upstream 17355 29975603 ~ 29976267 (+)
G55564 NA non-coding upstream 61470 29858295 ~ 29932152 (+)
G55512 NA non-coding upstream 351686 29641489 ~ 29641936 (+)
G55487 NA non-coding upstream 534879 29458421 ~ 29458743 (+)
G55463 NA non-coding upstream 805667 29186694 ~ 29187955 (+)
G55596 NA non-coding downstream 922 29995563 ~ 29995870 (+)
G55597 NA non-coding downstream 3588 29998229 ~ 29998486 (+)
G55620 NA non-coding downstream 147571 30142212 ~ 30222127 (+)
G55649 NA non-coding downstream 242283 30236924 ~ 30242731 (+)
G55707 NA non-coding downstream 500902 30495543 ~ 30497604 (+)
G55573 NA other upstream 82058 29907911 ~ 29911564 (+)
AMCG00009220 lsm2,LSM2,smx5 other upstream 818891 29171323 ~ 29174731 (+)
AMCG00009208 NA other upstream 885395 29103608 ~ 29108227 (+)
AMCG00009207 rab6ba,rab6b,LOC107552273,LOC107696768,LOC103151367,LOC106527458,LOC107088682,LOC102207753,LOC107752652 other upstream 981854 28928892 ~ 29011768 (+)
AMCG00009204 NA other upstream 1194022 28766454 ~ 28799600 (+)
G55591 NA other downstream 485 29995126 ~ 29995438 (+)
G56060 NA other downstream 2167119 32161760 ~ 32165365 (+)
G56368 NA other downstream 4006155 34000796 ~ 34031445 (+)
G56369 NA other downstream 4021029 34015670 ~ 34018815 (+)
AMCG00009345 NA other downstream 4368778 34363419 ~ 34369257 (+)


Co-expression Network