AMCG00013850 (cpne5b,LOC107714485,LOC105027122,LOC108280970,LOC108436414)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id AMCG00013850
gene name cpne5b,LOC107714485,LOC105027122,LOC108280970,LOC108436414
gene type coding
species bowfin (Amia calva)
category of species ecological fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030125.1
NCBI id CM030125.1
chromosome length 49972098
location 45551973 ~ 45569316 (+)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome




symbol description
cpne5b Predicted to enable calcium-dependent phospholipid binding activity. Predicted to be involved in cellular response to calcium ion. Predicted to be active in plasma membrane. Orthologous to human CPNE5 (copine 5).


PREDICTED: copine-5-like




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
AMCG00013850 True 822 mRNA 0.56 9 45551973 45569316


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
AMCG00013851 LOC101073987,LOC107714485,LOC106582685,LOC105898132 coding upstream 57306 45490737 ~ 45494667 (+)
AMCG00013848 LOC106582687 coding upstream 95788 45443086 ~ 45456185 (+)
AMCG00013849 kif21b coding upstream 120356 45419913 ~ 45431617 (+)
AMCG00013841 LOC101476397 coding upstream 198044 45346607 ~ 45353929 (+)
AMCG00013840 LOC104957825,LOC107725284 coding upstream 611812 44933300 ~ 44940161 (+)
AMCG00013854 gstm3,LOC106946564,LOC103151067,LOC106525860,LOC105931784,LOC103467185 coding downstream 29407 45598723 ~ 45602192 (+)
AMCG00013853 NA coding downstream 59071 45628387 ~ 45633476 (+)
AMCG00013855 NA coding downstream 65796 45635112 ~ 45636569 (+)
AMCG00013852 guca1b,LOC107562461,LOC107657012 coding downstream 84037 45653353 ~ 45656372 (+)
AMCG00013862 NA coding downstream 112764 45682080 ~ 45695028 (+)
G47194 NA non-coding upstream 197559 45295503 ~ 45354414 (+)
G47192 NA non-coding upstream 259073 45291273 ~ 45292900 (+)
G47190 NA non-coding upstream 265120 45286516 ~ 45286853 (+)
G47189 NA non-coding upstream 267814 45283840 ~ 45284159 (+)
G47188 NA non-coding upstream 268373 45283392 ~ 45283600 (+)
G47232 NA non-coding downstream 93 45569409 ~ 45574313 (+)
G47255 atp5f1,LOC107679218,LOC107731279,LOC107711984 non-coding downstream 46817 45616133 ~ 45620232 (+)
G47258 NA non-coding downstream 53271 45622587 ~ 45622806 (+)
G47262 NA non-coding downstream 55056 45624372 ~ 45624571 (+)
G47264 irf6 non-coding downstream 70548 45639864 ~ 45641637 (+)
G47206 NA other upstream 191091 45326658 ~ 45360882 (+)
AMCG00013838 si:ch211-240g9.1,LOC107598959,LOC107653411,LOC108264952,LOC108438565,LOC102786421,LOC100700110 other upstream 456304 45034772 ~ 45095669 (+)
G46945 NA other upstream 2111275 43438492 ~ 43440698 (+)
G46862 NA other upstream 2462330 43087289 ~ 43089643 (+)
G46840 LOC107711852,LOC107679810,LOC107594520,LOC108425079,LOC108265838 other upstream 2507537 43039984 ~ 43044436 (+)
AMCG00013872 NA other downstream 247056 45816372 ~ 45823228 (+)
G47398 NA other downstream 365343 45934659 ~ 45941906 (+)
AMCG00013879 dennd2d other downstream 374255 45943571 ~ 45959194 (+)
AMCG00013919 LOC102792503,LOC106583503,LOC106565096 other downstream 1467779 47037095 ~ 47073708 (+)
AMCG00013927 LOC108435245,LOC102295207,LOC101474852,LOC101474572,LOC102198786 other downstream 1650603 47219919 ~ 47227969 (+)


Co-expression Network