AMCG00016382 (LOC107706429,LOC107681140,LOC107548160,LOC107718985)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id AMCG00016382
gene name LOC107706429,LOC107681140,LOC107548160,LOC107718985
gene type coding
species bowfin (Amia calva)
category of species ecological fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030122.1
NCBI id CM030122.1
chromosome length 54868152
location 17785858 ~ 17787095 (-)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome





PREDICTED: glutamate receptor 4-like


id name namespace
GO:0006811 ion transport biological_process
GO:0045211 postsynaptic membrane cellular_component
GO:0030054 cell junction cellular_component
GO:0016021 integral component of membrane cellular_component
GO:0005234 extracellularly glutamate-gated ion channel activity molecular_function
GO:0004970 ionotropic glutamate receptor activity molecular_function



RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
AMCG00016382 True 246 mRNA 0.46 2 17785858 17787095


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
AMCG00016383 gria4,gria4a,gria4b,LOC107756206 coding downstream 37108 17740632 ~ 17748750 (-)
AMCG00016385 gria4 coding downstream 68875 17715768 ~ 17716983 (-)
AMCG00016384 LOC107548160,LOC108279362,LOC108440167,LOC103155416 coding downstream 81473 17696929 ~ 17704385 (-)
AMCG00016381 NA coding downstream 99121 17678130 ~ 17686737 (-)
AMCG00016374 NA coding downstream 279415 17503880 ~ 17506443 (-)
AMCG00016390 dync2h1,LOC106613216,LOC106593015 coding upstream 148041 17935136 ~ 17948136 (-)
AMCG00016389 dync2h1,LOC106613216,LOC108413322,LOC107566891,LOC103461033 coding upstream 198336 17985431 ~ 18004633 (-)
AMCG00016391 dync2h1,LOC106613214 coding upstream 232944 18020039 ~ 18069565 (-)
AMCG00016392 fzd4,LOC107600811,LOC107551868 coding upstream 299672 18086767 ~ 18091557 (-)
AMCG00016395 rab38 coding upstream 442016 18229111 ~ 18242329 (-)
G13129 NA non-coding downstream 289511 17495923 ~ 17496347 (-)
G13126 NA non-coding downstream 291512 17493855 ~ 17494346 (-)
G13091 NA non-coding downstream 408319 17375266 ~ 17377539 (-)
G13065 clns1a,LOC102781126 non-coding downstream 499029 17284403 ~ 17286829 (-)
G13045 rps3 non-coding downstream 539528 17241944 ~ 17246330 (-)
G13254 NA non-coding upstream 375692 18162787 ~ 18165770 (-)
G13334 NA non-coding upstream 1039099 18826194 ~ 18901976 (-)
G13339 NA non-coding upstream 1271310 19058405 ~ 19058673 (-)
G13341 NA non-coding upstream 1290273 19077368 ~ 19077823 (-)
G13366 NA non-coding upstream 1301129 19088224 ~ 19088632 (-)
AMCG00016376 NA other downstream 244516 17538034 ~ 17541342 (-)
AMCG00016360 aamdc,LOC107658908,LOC107660681,LOC107600345,LOC107600309 other downstream 519111 17263601 ~ 17266747 (-)
AMCG00016345 NA other downstream 915856 16866318 ~ 16870002 (-)
G12945 ucp2,ucp2b,LOC106567822 other downstream 924679 16858541 ~ 16861179 (-)
AMCG00016327 NA other downstream 1310688 16470611 ~ 16475170 (-)
G13367 NA other upstream 1304144 19091239 ~ 19105381 (-)
AMCG00016453 NA other upstream 2341813 20128908 ~ 20135547 (-)
AMCG00016479 NA other upstream 2829414 20616509 ~ 20636960 (-)
AMCG00016480 NA other upstream 2879047 20666142 ~ 20683024 (-)
G13962 NA other upstream 5667997 23455092 ~ 23455811 (-)


Co-expression Network