AMCG00021876 (fhod3,LOC108413044,LOC102209662,LOC102799816)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id AMCG00021876
gene name fhod3,LOC108413044,LOC102209662,LOC102799816
gene type coding
species bowfin (Amia calva)
category of species ecological fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030130.1
NCBI id CM030130.1
chromosome length 39556810
location 34596916 ~ 34607621 (+)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome




symbol description
fhod3 Predicted to enable actin filament binding activity. Predicted to be involved in actin cytoskeleton organization. Predicted to act upstream of or within negative regulation of actin filament polymerization. Predicted to be located in sarcomere. Predicted to be active in cytoplasm and cytoskeleton. Implicated in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


PREDICTED: FH1/FH2 domain-containing protein 3




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
AMCG00021876 True 443 mRNA 0.48 4 34596916 34607621


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
AMCG00021869 NA coding upstream 183707 34406849 ~ 34413209 (+)
AMCG00021862 NA coding upstream 272994 34304949 ~ 34323922 (+)
AMCG00021859 clptm1l coding upstream 310597 34274666 ~ 34286319 (+)
AMCG00021858 NA coding upstream 774830 33810474 ~ 33822086 (+)
AMCG00021855 csmd3,LOC106570400 coding upstream 1010416 33548596 ~ 33586500 (+)
AMCG00021873 fhod3 coding downstream 17427 34625048 ~ 34678756 (+)
AMCG00021875 NA coding downstream 77394 34685015 ~ 34690667 (+)
AMCG00021874 rprd1a coding downstream 92227 34699848 ~ 34716167 (+)
AMCG00021872 NA coding downstream 111045 34718666 ~ 34736343 (+)
AMCG00021871 NA coding downstream 212719 34820340 ~ 34824676 (+)
G89010 NA non-coding upstream 176859 34419791 ~ 34420057 (+)
G89006 NA non-coding upstream 209244 34387254 ~ 34387672 (+)
G88981 slc6a19b,LOC106570715,LOC107596751,LOC107743232,LOC107685553,LOC107662664 non-coding upstream 210714 34383959 ~ 34386202 (+)
G88980 NA non-coding upstream 223251 34369970 ~ 34373665 (+)
G88938 NA non-coding upstream 419438 34176954 ~ 34177478 (+)
G89222 NA non-coding downstream 799089 35406710 ~ 35406984 (+)
G89280 NA non-coding downstream 1253295 35860916 ~ 36195602 (+)
G89283 NA non-coding downstream 1284542 35892163 ~ 35893862 (+)
G89285 NA non-coding downstream 1293022 35900643 ~ 35901176 (+)
G89298 NA non-coding downstream 1356137 35963758 ~ 35970466 (+)
AMCG00021802 kdm1b other upstream 4127996 30449957 ~ 30468920 (+)
AMCG00021803 clg22h6orf62,clg10h6orf62,c24h6orf62,LOC106515831,LOC101464686,LOC108240366,LOC104924567,LOC102228185,LOC103135136 other upstream 4189144 30267402 ~ 30407772 (+)
AMCG00021779 LOC108438266,LOC105891906 other upstream 5211591 29378575 ~ 29385325 (+)
AMCG00021772 NA other upstream 5321569 29264827 ~ 29275347 (+)
G88276 NA other upstream 5531577 29060887 ~ 29065339 (+)
AMCG00021881 LOC107748698,LOC102792383,LOC101481807,LOC108256925,LOC106919167,LOC108434168 other downstream 318932 34926553 ~ 35077090 (+)
G89142 NA other downstream 603512 35211133 ~ 35263537 (+)
G89299 NA other downstream 1356950 35964571 ~ 35967384 (+)
AMCG00021900 NA other downstream 2042611 36650232 ~ 36659244 (+)
G89578 NA other downstream 3513636 38121257 ~ 38151049 (+)


Co-expression Network