G89695 (cndp2,LOC106588296)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G89695
gene name cndp2,LOC106588296
gene type non-coding
species bowfin (Amia calva)
category of species ecological fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id CM030130.1
NCBI id CM030130.1
chromosome length 39556810
location 39268581 ~ 39269897 (+)
genome version AmiCal1_2021_bowfin_Genome




symbol description
cndp2 Predicted to enable dipeptidase activity. Predicted to be involved in proteolysis. Predicted to be active in cytosol. Is expressed in several structures, including intermediate cell mass of mesoderm; lens; neural crest; solid lens vesicle; and yolk syncytial layer. Orthologous to human CNDP2 (carnosine dipeptidase 2).


CNDP dipeptidase 2 (metallopeptidase M20 family)




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU111873 True 252 lncRNA 0.46 2 39268581 39269897


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
AMCG00021914 NA coding upstream 402962 38855826 ~ 38865619 (+)
AMCG00021912 NA coding upstream 870907 38395806 ~ 38397674 (+)
AMCG00021910 NA coding upstream 1126422 38137122 ~ 38142159 (+)
AMCG00021911 NA coding upstream 1147009 38120324 ~ 38121572 (+)
AMCG00021899 LOC108426911,LOC108257397,LOC107601986,LOC107707114,LOC107677659,LOC107591967 coding upstream 2766753 36465786 ~ 36501828 (+)
AMCG00021915 NA coding downstream 88821 39358718 ~ 39369622 (+)
AMCG00021927 NA coding downstream 190362 39460259 ~ 39461475 (+)
G89688 LOC105019195,LOC106605538,LOC106579285 non-coding upstream 10101 39255878 ~ 39258480 (+)
G89686 NA non-coding upstream 38435 39229831 ~ 39230146 (+)
G89672 NA non-coding upstream 62182 39202277 ~ 39206399 (+)
G89637 NA non-coding upstream 400224 38867663 ~ 38868357 (+)
G89634 NA non-coding upstream 413432 38853966 ~ 38855149 (+)
G89700 NA non-coding downstream 12961 39282858 ~ 39284151 (+)
G89703 NA non-coding downstream 17078 39286975 ~ 39292210 (+)
G89704 NA non-coding downstream 22867 39292764 ~ 39293383 (+)
G89705 NA non-coding downstream 23504 39293401 ~ 39293717 (+)
G89764 NA non-coding downstream 215936 39485833 ~ 39486893 (+)
G89632 NA other upstream 445896 38817872 ~ 38822685 (+)
G89578 NA other upstream 1117532 38121257 ~ 38151049 (+)
AMCG00021900 NA other upstream 2609337 36650232 ~ 36659244 (+)
G89299 NA other upstream 3301197 35964571 ~ 35967384 (+)
G89142 NA other upstream 4005044 35211133 ~ 35263537 (+)
G89728 NA other downstream 130627 39400524 ~ 39408261 (+)


Co-expression Network