aplnrb (aplnrb,LOC107713340,LOC107685146,LOC107686435,LOC107562592,LOC107744094)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id aplnrb
gene name aplnrb,LOC107713340,LOC107685146,LOC107686435,LOC107562592,LOC107744094
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056708.1
NCBI id CM032077.1
chromosome length 16503406
location 663951 ~ 665777 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
aplnrb Enables apelin receptor activity. Involved in cardiac muscle tissue development; cell migration; and gastrulation with mouth forming second. Acts upstream of or within with a positive effect on determination of heart left/right asymmetry and determination of liver left/right asymmetry. Acts upstream of or within several processes, including circulatory system development; endodermal cell differentiation; and mesodermal cell migration. Predicted to be located in membrane. Predicted to be integral component of membrane. Predicted to be active in plasma membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including angioblastic mesenchymal cell; blastodisc; cardiovascular system; mesoderm; and pleuroperitoneal region. Orthologous to human APLNR (apelin receptor).


apelin receptor


id name namespace
GO:0048738 cardiac muscle tissue development biological_process
GO:0060183 apelin receptor signaling pathway biological_process
GO:0008078 mesodermal cell migration biological_process
GO:0001702 gastrulation with mouth forming second biological_process
GO:0016021 integral component of membrane cellular_component
GO:0060182 apelin receptor activity molecular_function
GO:0004945 angiotensin type II receptor activity molecular_function


id description
K04174 APLNR; apelin receptor


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043251168.1 True 1827 mRNA 0.57 1 663951 665777


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
tbc1d10ab tbc1d10a,LOC105895496,LOC106579927 coding upstream 14313 637670 ~ 649638 (+)
pptc7b pptc7b,LOC107744096,LOC107713343,LOC107685147,LOC106563180,LOC105909313 coding upstream 29959 623272 ~ 633992 (+)
hvcn1 LOC107686438,LOC107744097,LOC107562590,LOC107685148,LOC107575472 coding upstream 47208 613874 ~ 616743 (+)
mtrex skiv2l2,LOC107744101,LOC107571110,LOC107713350,LOC107686493 coding upstream 99797 536408 ~ 564154 (+)
pstpip2 pstpip2,LOC107744171,LOC107685173 coding upstream 148315 507604 ~ 515636 (+)
LOC122353206 NA coding downstream 8831 674608 ~ 680564 (+)
itga1 itga1,LOC107686433,LOC107685143,LOC107595560,LOC107562550 coding downstream 43717 709494 ~ 748934 (+)
LOC122352656 itga2,LOC107713336,LOC107744146,LOC107686486 coding downstream 85703 751480 ~ 765669 (+)
itga2.2 itga2.2,LOC107686432,LOC107744091,LOC107685142,LOC107713338,LOC107597671 coding downstream 100915 766692 ~ 790635 (+)
snx18b snx18b,LOC107686428,LOC107744084,LOC107685139,LOC107595537,LOC107597629,LOC107713269 coding downstream 178378 844155 ~ 847891 (+)
G73589 NA non-coding upstream 10948 652544 ~ 653003 (+)
G73560 NA non-coding upstream 234681 428856 ~ 429270 (+)
G73559 apbb1,LOC107750985,LOC107673752,LOC107565841 non-coding upstream 236436 424953 ~ 427515 (+)
G73519 NA non-coding upstream 266850 349033 ~ 397101 (+)
G73523 NA non-coding upstream 316044 347548 ~ 347907 (+)
G73656 NA non-coding downstream 129558 795335 ~ 795689 (+)
G73710 NA non-coding downstream 139593 805370 ~ 805665 (+)
G73711 NA non-coding downstream 141841 807618 ~ 807846 (+)
G73727 NA non-coding downstream 189437 855214 ~ 855884 (+)
G73731 NA non-coding downstream 218476 884253 ~ 884487 (+)
c10h5orf63 LOC107715565,LOC107657471,LOC107576909 other upstream 265092 396440 ~ 398859 (+)
LOC122352377 fbn2,LOC107705843,LOC107575594,LOC107565844,LOC562634 other upstream 377711 242243 ~ 286240 (+)
pmaip1 NA other downstream 17329 683106 ~ 774374 (+)
isl1b NA other downstream 26347 692124 ~ 695923 (+)
fstb fstb,LOC107685190,LOC107713293,LOC107686430,LOC107744087,LOC107597631,LOC107595577 other downstream 130234 796011 ~ 801923 (+)
rbm18 rbm18,LOC107597621,LOC107595545,LOC107685132,LOC107686423 other downstream 268292 934069 ~ 945860 (+)
LOC122352734 LOC107744074,LOC107597614,LOC107686419,LOC107685127,LOC101884949,LOC107713324,LOC107595548 other downstream 411919 1077696 ~ 1084039 (+)


Co-expression Network