
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G12308
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056700.1
NCBI id CM032069.1
chromosome length 25613461
location 15223211 ~ 15223455 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome





id name namespace
GO:0051726 regulation of cell cycle biological_process



RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU18248 True 245 lncRNA 0.48 1 15223211 15223455


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
nrbp2a nrbp2a,LOC107733885,LOC107599881,LOC107657444 coding downstream 10013 15193555 ~ 15213198 (-)
puf60a puf60a,LOC107657443,LOC107718021,LOC107701012,LOC107599879,LOC107709765 coding downstream 30166 15180965 ~ 15193045 (-)
LOC122328939 NA coding downstream 34418 15188656 ~ 15188793 (-)
LOC122358923 NA coding downstream 42968 15179042 ~ 15180243 (-)
LOC122358915 NA coding downstream 45591 15176366 ~ 15177620 (-)
bfsp2 bfsp2,LOC107733884,LOC107730799,LOC107557028 coding upstream 501 15223956 ~ 15229668 (-)
prpf4ba LOC107733882,LOC107599886,LOC107657448 coding upstream 24630 15248085 ~ 15255907 (-)
b4galt2 b4galt2,LOC107657457,LOC107599894,LOC107700994,LOC107557142 coding upstream 362062 15585517 ~ 15674874 (-)
atp6v0b atp6v0b,LOC102788333 coding upstream 452748 15676203 ~ 15682026 (-)
ptch2 ptch2,LOC107557169,LOC107700991,LOC107720855,LOC107599897,LOC107722076,LOC107657459 coding upstream 546310 15769765 ~ 15796297 (-)
G12199 NA non-coding downstream 288186 14934769 ~ 14935025 (-)
G12175 epdr1,LOC107664036,LOC107558964 non-coding downstream 368042 14853694 ~ 14855169 (-)
G12176 LOC107664036,LOC107558964 non-coding downstream 369659 14852910 ~ 14853552 (-)
G12159 NA non-coding downstream 373778 14772490 ~ 14849433 (-)
G12161 NA non-coding downstream 447720 14773753 ~ 14775491 (-)
G12313 ccr9a,LOC107579348,LOC107733890,LOC107657446,LOC107730785,LOC107557055,LOC107700981 non-coding upstream 14504 15237959 ~ 15240826 (-)
LOC122359617 NA non-coding upstream 323580 15547035 ~ 15553604 (-)
LOC122356097 NA non-coding upstream 495173 15718628 ~ 15754422 (-)
G12567 NA non-coding upstream 1075717 16299172 ~ 16299744 (-)
G12585 NA non-coding upstream 1221508 16444963 ~ 16445224 (-)
smarcd3a smarcd3a,smarcd3,LOC107657439,LOC107599876,LOC107709803,LOC107556978,LOC107718026,LOC103039772 other downstream 69222 15133971 ~ 15153989 (-)
faim2a faim2a,LOC107718029,LOC107701017,LOC107556958,LOC107657438,LOC107709826 other downstream 95720 15120587 ~ 15127491 (-)
adcyap1b adcyap1b,adcyap1,LOC107713980,LOC107686049,LOC107751550,LOC107664073 other downstream 612945 14578995 ~ 14610266 (-)
LOC122328470 ptbp1a,ptbp3,LOC107602545,LOC107674042,LOC107732511,LOC107584874,LOC107558691,LOC107658670,LOC107744247,LOC107729315,LOC107688524 other downstream 1658846 13553773 ~ 13564365 (-)
LOC122323969 cahz,LOC107550722,LOC107755757,LOC107664098,LOC107686019,LOC107585971,LOC107751363,LOC108432254 other downstream 1752948 13315229 ~ 13470263 (-)
ccdc24 ccdc24,LOC107657456,LOC107599905 other upstream 336208 15559663 ~ 15579706 (-)
pappa2 pappa2,LOC107722077,LOC107568983,LOC107678935,LOC107726923,LOC107658303,LOC107558342 other upstream 1001268 16224723 ~ 16268835 (-)
LOC122362257 LOC107658348,LOC107563587,LOC107678922,LOC107726920,LOC107722065,LOC107559085 other upstream 1259705 16483160 ~ 16512019 (-)
G12658 lamc1,LOC107678923,LOC107726890,LOC107557259,LOC107722047 other upstream 1448121 16671576 ~ 16673710 (-)
G12839 NA other upstream 1582806 16806261 ~ 16806738 (-)


Co-expression Network