apoda.2 (apoda.2,LOC107557457,LOC107706325,LOC107591449,LOC107684429,LOC107738179)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id apoda.2
gene name apoda.2,LOC107557457,LOC107706325,LOC107591449,LOC107684429,LOC107738179
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056700.1
NCBI id CM032069.1
chromosome length 25613461
location 17247935 ~ 17249242 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
apoda.2 Predicted to enable lipid binding activity. Predicted to be involved in lipid metabolic process and response to reactive oxygen species. Predicted to act upstream of or within aging and lipid transport. Predicted to be located in extracellular region. Predicted to be active in cytoplasm. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Orthologous to human APOD (apolipoprotein D).


PREDICTED: apolipoprotein D-like


id name namespace
GO:0006810 transport biological_process
GO:0005576 extracellular region cellular_component
GO:0036094 small molecule binding molecular_function
GO:0005215 transporter activity molecular_function
GO:0008289 lipid binding molecular_function


id description
K03098 APOD; apolipoprotein D and lipocalin family protein


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043218419.1 True 848 mRNA 0.47 5 17247935 17249242


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
copa copa,LOC107591337,LOC107684398,LOC107706393,LOC107659416,LOC107557408 coding upstream 3502 17234058 ~ 17244433 (+)
pex19 pex19,LOC107591335,LOC107684402,LOC107659417,LOC107557446,LOC107738253 coding upstream 14072 17229880 ~ 17233863 (+)
slc1a8b slc1a8b,LOC107591333,LOC107706395,LOC107557414,LOC107738183,LOC107659353,LOC108444332,LOC105889468 coding upstream 28737 17211876 ~ 17219198 (+)
gadd45bb gadd45bb,LOC107738256,LOC107591447,LOC107706329,LOC107559165,LOC107659370,LOC107684432,LOC105906135 coding upstream 100870 17145373 ~ 17147065 (+)
rabgap1l2 rabgap1l2,LOC107706404,LOC107659372,LOC107684408,LOC107559133,LOC107591424,LOC107738216 coding upstream 119576 17124781 ~ 17128359 (+)
samd7 samd7,LOC107591340,LOC107557490 coding downstream 3990 17253232 ~ 17259748 (+)
sec62 sec62,LOC107684396,LOC107738178,LOC107706392,LOC107659352 coding downstream 11569 17260811 ~ 17268079 (+)
gpr160 LOC107738252,LOC107684395,LOC107591343,LOC107706324 coding downstream 27608 17276850 ~ 17280393 (+)
phc3 LOC107738171,LOC107591347,LOC107557539,LOC107706383 coding downstream 84454 17333696 ~ 17343059 (+)
myadmb si:dkeyp-66d1.7,LOC107706376,LOC107668989,LOC107591450,LOC107738251,LOC107659403,LOC107557715,LOC103040076 coding downstream 224296 17473538 ~ 17478940 (+)
G12985 NA non-coding upstream 41454 17204414 ~ 17206481 (+)
G12982 diras1b,LOC107659419,LOC107591332,LOC107557388,LOC107684404,LOC107738254,LOC108236225,LOC103373792 non-coding upstream 57328 17187117 ~ 17190607 (+)
G12972 NA non-coding upstream 84963 17161176 ~ 17162972 (+)
G12823 map1sb,LOC107738188,LOC107659421,LOC107591330,LOC107684407,LOC107706295 non-coding upstream 113047 17133077 ~ 17134888 (+)
G12818 NA non-coding upstream 124568 17123139 ~ 17123367 (+)
G12977 LOC107706390 non-coding downstream 23412 17272654 ~ 17273162 (+)
G12995 NA non-coding downstream 32018 17281260 ~ 17285830 (+)
G13007 insra,LOC107591352,LOC107558844,LOC107706379,LOC107738166,LOC107668948 non-coding downstream 136820 17386062 ~ 17387548 (+)
G13075 NA non-coding downstream 230482 17479724 ~ 17480102 (+)
G13076 NA non-coding downstream 230981 17480223 ~ 17480494 (+)
golim4b golim4b,LOC107591324,LOC107684437,LOC107706331,LOC107559125,LOC107659375,LOC107738257 other upstream 208032 17032139 ~ 17039903 (+)
LOC122361622 NA other upstream 471584 16724614 ~ 16776351 (+)
LOC122323293 NA other upstream 791403 16450132 ~ 16456532 (+)
G12531 LOC107722077,LOC107568983 other upstream 979138 16267043 ~ 16268797 (+)
dars2 dars2,LOC107720851,LOC107700987,LOC107558296,LOC107599907 other upstream 1372171 15860179 ~ 15875764 (+)
sppl2 sppl2,LOC107738168,LOC107706381,LOC107591351,LOC107659410,LOC107668984 other downstream 113003 17362245 ~ 17369102 (+)
G13114 tep1,LOC107591368,LOC107706362,LOC107659385,LOC107738210,LOC107591364,LOC107738151 other downstream 317599 17566841 ~ 17567916 (+)
G13111 LOC107738210,LOC107591364 other downstream 358010 17607252 ~ 17608092 (+)
LOC122325453 LOC107668965 other downstream 530097 17779339 ~ 17782364 (+)
G13137 NA other downstream 534937 17784179 ~ 17816764 (+)


Co-expression Network