LOC122355504 (cacybp,LOC107722060,LOC107658360,LOC107678928,LOC107726916,LOC107559063,LOC107563589)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id LOC122355504
gene name cacybp,LOC107722060,LOC107658360,LOC107678928,LOC107726916,LOC107559063,LOC107563589
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056700.1
NCBI id CM032069.1
chromosome length 25613461
location 16497709 ~ 16499702 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
cacybp Predicted to enable S100 protein binding activity; tubulin binding activity; and ubiquitin protein ligase binding activity. Predicted to be involved in heart development. Predicted to be located in cytoplasm. Predicted to be active in nucleus. Orthologous to human CACYBP (calcyclin binding protein).


PREDICTED: calcyclin-binding protein-like



id description
K04507 CACYBP, SIP; calcyclin binding protein


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043253919.1 True 1101 mRNA 0.41 6 16497709 16499702


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
mrps14 LOC107722064,LOC107563590,LOC107658361,LOC107678929,LOC107559053,LOC107726917 coding upstream 488 16495941 ~ 16497221 (+)
tnr tnr,LOC107658355,LOC107726886,LOC107558359 coding upstream 54348 16325150 ~ 16443361 (+)
cop1 rfwd2,LOC107726924,LOC107678936,LOC107722073,LOC107658354 coding upstream 212151 16275070 ~ 16285558 (+)
astn1 astn1 coding upstream 273238 16031983 ~ 16224471 (+)
klhl20 klhl20,LOC106569069 coding upstream 640954 15849084 ~ 15856755 (+)
plk3 plk3,LOC107722069,LOC107563563,LOC107658359,LOC107726922,LOC107678927,LOC107557223 coding downstream 1350 16501052 ~ 16507898 (+)
ankrd45 ankrd45,LOC107563586,LOC107658305,LOC107722043 coding downstream 45634 16545336 ~ 16547012 (+)
rasal2 rasal2,LOC107678931 coding downstream 61682 16561384 ~ 16612466 (+)
dhx9 dhx9 coding downstream 114074 16613776 ~ 16623033 (+)
lamc1 lamc1,LOC107658363,LOC107563558,LOC107557259,LOC107678923,LOC107722047 coding downstream 126143 16625845 ~ 16670329 (+)
G12530 pappa2,LOC107568983,LOC107722077,LOC107558342,LOC107658303,LOC107678935,LOC107726923 non-coding upstream 232789 16263774 ~ 16264920 (+)
LOC122359940 LOC107743936,LOC101883431 non-coding upstream 462801 16032757 ~ 16034908 (+)
G12491 NA non-coding upstream 619305 15878134 ~ 15878404 (+)
G12451 NA non-coding upstream 686316 15810893 ~ 15811393 (+)
LOC122356092 NA non-coding upstream 754911 15731819 ~ 15742798 (+)
G12607 NA non-coding downstream 191224 16690926 ~ 16693619 (+)
G12669 NA non-coding downstream 284198 16783900 ~ 16784544 (+)
G12729 LOC107678904 non-coding downstream 327328 16827030 ~ 16829326 (+)
LOC122356672 NA non-coding downstream 330406 16830108 ~ 16839463 (+)
G12730 NA non-coding downstream 330947 16830649 ~ 16831883 (+)
LOC122323293 NA other upstream 41177 16450132 ~ 16456532 (+)
G12531 LOC107722077,LOC107568983 other upstream 228912 16267043 ~ 16268797 (+)
dars2 dars2,LOC107720851,LOC107700987,LOC107558296,LOC107599907 other upstream 621945 15860179 ~ 15875764 (+)
LOC122357435 LOC107733881,LOC107599885,LOC107657419 other upstream 1248460 15241797 ~ 15249249 (+)
ackr4a LOC107664061,LOC107751559,LOC107556724,LOC107751558,LOC107751560,LOC107713978,LOC107586293 other upstream 1714732 14776322 ~ 14782977 (+)
LOC122361622 NA other downstream 224912 16724614 ~ 16776351 (+)
golim4b golim4b,LOC107591324,LOC107684437,LOC107706331,LOC107559125,LOC107659375,LOC107738257 other downstream 532437 17032139 ~ 17039903 (+)
sppl2 sppl2,LOC107738168,LOC107706381,LOC107591351,LOC107659410,LOC107668984 other downstream 862543 17362245 ~ 17369102 (+)
G13114 tep1,LOC107591368,LOC107706362,LOC107659385,LOC107738210,LOC107591364,LOC107738151 other downstream 1067139 17566841 ~ 17567916 (+)
G13111 LOC107738210,LOC107591364 other downstream 1107550 17607252 ~ 17608092 (+)


Co-expression Network