LOC122355288 (LOC107660874)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id LOC122355288
gene name LOC107660874
gene type misc
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056710.1
NCBI id CM032079.1
chromosome length 20499150
location 8875617 ~ 8878131 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome





PREDICTED: gastric inhibitory polypeptide-like


id name namespace
GO:0042594 response to starvation biological_process
GO:0031769 glucagon receptor binding molecular_function



RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU128530 True 607 TUCP 0.39 5 8875617 8878112
XM_043253391.1 False 570 mRNA 0.40 5 8875673 8878131


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
snf8 snf8,LOC107554070,LOC107692042,LOC107734219,LOC107584075,LOC107660854 coding downstream 3078 8870065 ~ 8872539 (-)
snx11 snx11,LOC107734201,LOC107584079,LOC107660856,LOC106589286 coding downstream 23383 8845111 ~ 8852234 (-)
LOC122355256 slc16a6a,LOC107554067,LOC107721990,LOC107692048 coding downstream 38360 8832082 ~ 8837257 (-)
rgs9b rgs9b,LOC107660859,LOC107584086,LOC107734240,LOC107692097,LOC107709642,LOC108444257,LOC107554020 coding downstream 54555 8809082 ~ 8821062 (-)
mrtfab LOC107692050,LOC107734192,LOC107660860,LOC107584087,LOC107709647 coding downstream 66977 8781679 ~ 8808640 (-)
nme2a nme2a,LOC107574626,LOC107558983,LOC107660852,LOC107734222 coding upstream 64980 8943111 ~ 8946818 (-)
eme1 eme1,LOC107584393,LOC107723632,LOC107705828 coding upstream 396234 9274365 ~ 9281289 (-)
nsfb nsfb,LOC107657277,LOC107665886,LOC108430134,LOC108273757 coding upstream 646155 9524286 ~ 9543828 (-)
arhgef15b LOC107657276,LOC107733470,LOC107665871,LOC107723635,LOC107556583,LOC107584389 coding upstream 667136 9545267 ~ 9558906 (-)
neurl4 neurl4,LOC107733461,LOC107665870,LOC107738962,LOC107657283 coding upstream 698101 9576232 ~ 9594931 (-)
G86861 LOC107734218,LOC107660853,LOC107584076 non-coding downstream 6555 8867892 ~ 8869062 (-)
G86862 NA non-coding downstream 11354 8863441 ~ 8864263 (-)
G86858 NA non-coding downstream 19507 8855673 ~ 8856110 (-)
G86857 NA non-coding downstream 20076 8855329 ~ 8855541 (-)
G86856 NA non-coding downstream 22360 8852945 ~ 8853257 (-)
G86916 NA non-coding upstream 421548 9299679 ~ 9299899 (-)
G87019 NA non-coding upstream 695503 9573634 ~ 9574525 (-)
G87034 NA non-coding upstream 753913 9632044 ~ 9635117 (-)
G87055 NA non-coding upstream 884971 9763102 ~ 9767238 (-)
G87104 NA non-coding upstream 1482746 10360877 ~ 10361414 (-)
trnar-ccu_66 NA other downstream 188047 8687498 ~ 8687570 (-)
plbd1b LOC107578697 other downstream 188069 8682443 ~ 8687548 (-)
G86783 cby1,LOC107554026,LOC107734186,LOC107584208,LOC107690074 other downstream 263172 8610552 ~ 8612445 (-)
LOC122355061 tnfrsf17,LOC107554040,LOC107692075,LOC107690067,LOC107584106,LOC107734209 other downstream 362352 8511403 ~ 8513265 (-)
cpped1 cpped1,LOC107584109,LOC107669238,LOC107554009 other downstream 515625 8334404 ~ 8359992 (-)
thrab thrab,LOC107584392,LOC107733455,LOC107657272,LOC108430158,LOC107665883,LOC107723634 other upstream 433522 9311653 ~ 9939849 (-)
ormdl3 ormdl3,LOC107723636,LOC107657273,LOC107556587,LOC108273759,LOC102217224,LOC106521946,LOC102783025,LOC105936292,LOC107092838 other upstream 603428 9481559 ~ 9489312 (-)
cript cript,LOC107582781,LOC107728714 other upstream 2126875 11005006 ~ 11006954 (-)
LOC122355648 cox7a3,LOC107550034,LOC107582778,LOC107749383,LOC107728726,LOC108429329,LOC108273985,LOC107700119 other upstream 2164757 11042888 ~ 11045889 (-)
G87489 NA other upstream 2443292 11321423 ~ 11322603 (-)


Co-expression Network