bricd5 (bricd5,LOC107734175,LOC107731433,LOC107669210,LOC107699874)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id bricd5
gene name bricd5,LOC107734175,LOC107731433,LOC107669210,LOC107699874
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056710.1
NCBI id CM032079.1
chromosome length 20499150
location 8115390 ~ 8119810 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
bricd5 Predicted to be involved in regulation of cell population proliferation. Predicted to be located in membrane. Predicted to be integral component of membrane. Predicted to be active in extracellular space. Is expressed in otic placode and otic vesicle. Orthologous to human BRICD5 (BRICHOS domain containing 5).


BRICHOS domain-containing protein 5




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043253006.1 True 694 mRNA 0.49 6 8115390 8119810


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
tex2l LOC107584119,LOC107669235,LOC107734227 coding downstream 13492 8089481 ~ 8101898 (-)
atpaf2 atpaf2,LOC107669201,LOC107584123,LOC107734207,LOC107594216,LOC107699854 coding downstream 43752 8069332 ~ 8071638 (-)
tom1l2 tom1l2,LOC107734205,LOC107669200,LOC107584121 coding downstream 46330 8056927 ~ 8069060 (-)
nptx2b nptx2,nptx2b,LOC107734170,LOC107669183,LOC107594214,LOC108431963 coding downstream 217726 7892785 ~ 7897664 (-)
baiap2l1a LOC107669227,LOC107699869,LOC107724697,LOC107584125 coding downstream 229417 7868994 ~ 7885973 (-)
LOC122355067 pgp,LOC107584220,LOC107669208,LOC107734160,LOC107731387,LOC107594223,LOC107699876 coding upstream 524 8120334 ~ 8122090 (-)
zdhhc4 zdhhc4,LOC107734165,LOC107669203,LOC107584218,LOC107594224,LOC107699875,LOC107731390 coding upstream 6273 8126083 ~ 8129019 (-)
arhgap17a arhgap17a,arhgap17,LOC107594184,LOC107731407,LOC107669196,LOC107584117,LOC107699879,LOC107734204 coding upstream 35423 8155233 ~ 8179107 (-)
hbae5 LOC107734189,LOC107594227,LOC107692106,LOC107674601,LOC107596827 coding upstream 74413 8194223 ~ 8195216 (-)
zgc:163057 zgc:163057,LOC107584216,LOC107734190,LOC107692104,LOC107669180,LOC107594186 coding upstream 83764 8203574 ~ 8205720 (-)
G86516 NA non-coding downstream 2677 8111193 ~ 8112713 (-)
G86458 NA non-coding downstream 60359 8054768 ~ 8055031 (-)
G86413 NA non-coding downstream 224169 7890303 ~ 7891221 (-)
G86412 NA non-coding downstream 227144 7887966 ~ 7888246 (-)
G86375 NA non-coding downstream 268558 7846481 ~ 7846832 (-)
G86513 NA non-coding upstream 28937 8148747 ~ 8154173 (-)
G86505 LOC107692108,LOC107584217,LOC107734162,LOC107669195,LOC107731388 non-coding upstream 67831 8187641 ~ 8190285 (-)
G86553 NA non-coding upstream 79108 8198918 ~ 8199124 (-)
G86576 NA non-coding upstream 170270 8290080 ~ 8290410 (-)
G86606 NA non-coding upstream 219646 8339456 ~ 8339815 (-)
G86203 NA other downstream 726480 7388236 ~ 7388910 (-)
G86108 NA other downstream 1011172 7103880 ~ 7104218 (-)
G86049 LOC101886504,LOC101886427 other downstream 1444143 6670319 ~ 6671247 (-)
LOC122355418 pnmt,LOC107571312,LOC107676565 other downstream 2037322 6051168 ~ 6078068 (-)
G85930 LOC107711793,LOC107755027 other downstream 2103279 5990913 ~ 6012111 (-)
cpped1 cpped1,LOC107584109,LOC107669238,LOC107554009 other upstream 214594 8334404 ~ 8359992 (-)
LOC122355061 tnfrsf17,LOC107554040,LOC107692075,LOC107690067,LOC107584106,LOC107734209 other upstream 391593 8511403 ~ 8513265 (-)
G86783 cby1,LOC107554026,LOC107734186,LOC107584208,LOC107690074 other upstream 490742 8610552 ~ 8612445 (-)
plbd1b LOC107578697 other upstream 562633 8682443 ~ 8687548 (-)
trnar-ccu_66 NA other upstream 567688 8687498 ~ 8687570 (-)


Co-expression Network