lcmt1 (lcmt1,LOC107734249,LOC107584116,LOC107669194,LOC107731431,LOC107594185)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id lcmt1
gene name lcmt1,LOC107734249,LOC107584116,LOC107669194,LOC107731431,LOC107594185
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056710.1
NCBI id CM032079.1
chromosome length 20499150
location 8180004 ~ 8185974 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
lcmt1 Predicted to enable protein C-terminal leucine carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity. Predicted to be involved in C-terminal protein methylation. Predicted to act upstream of or within methylation. Predicted to be active in cytosol. Orthologous to human LCMT1 (leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 1).


leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 1


id name namespace
GO:0032259 methylation biological_process
GO:0008168 methyltransferase activity molecular_function


id description
K18203 LCMT1; [phosphatase 2A protein]-leucine-carboxy methyltransferase


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043253084.1 True 1406 mRNA 0.45 11 8180004 8185974


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
grid2ipb grid2ip,LOC107584118,LOC107734213,LOC107669204,LOC107731383,LOC107699877 coding upstream 25922 8130845 ~ 8154082 (+)
mlst8 mlst8,LOC107699873 coding upstream 64961 8110927 ~ 8115043 (+)
meiob LOC107584223,LOC107669206,LOC107734178,LOC107731419,LOC107594203 coding upstream 69325 8107186 ~ 8110679 (+)
neurl2 neurl2,LOC107669209,LOC107734228,LOC107699858,LOC107594180 coding upstream 74968 8102699 ~ 8105036 (+)
rnf151 rnf151,LOC107584225,LOC107669188,LOC107594218,LOC107734173,LOC107731429,LOC107699857 coding upstream 90677 8086091 ~ 8089327 (+)
aqp8a.1 LOC107584217,LOC107734162,LOC107669195,LOC107692108,LOC107731388,LOC107594225 coding downstream 1579 8187553 ~ 8190280 (+)
aqp8a.2 aqp8a.2,aqp8,LOC107734187,LOC107692107,LOC107594226,LOC107669187,LOC107731382 coding downstream 5344 8191318 ~ 8193363 (+)
hbbe3 hbbe3,LOC107734188,LOC107669171 coding downstream 15971 8201945 ~ 8202752 (+)
rhbdf1b LOC107734220,LOC107731426,LOC107584114,LOC107692086,LOC107669219,LOC107594190 coding downstream 29592 8215566 ~ 8243257 (+)
ubald1a ubald1a,ubald1,LOC107734217,LOC107669224,LOC107731421,LOC107554033 coding downstream 93094 8279068 ~ 8288769 (+)
G86460 NA non-coding upstream 119828 8056931 ~ 8060176 (+)
G86374 NA non-coding upstream 333142 7846558 ~ 7846862 (+)
G86268 NA non-coding upstream 456143 7720392 ~ 7723861 (+)
G86283 NA non-coding upstream 460721 7718984 ~ 7719283 (+)
G86275 NA non-coding upstream 478205 7701343 ~ 7701799 (+)
G86540 NA non-coding downstream 12120 8198094 ~ 8198410 (+)
G86536 NA non-coding downstream 17609 8203583 ~ 8204143 (+)
LOC122355856 NA non-coding downstream 18171 8204145 ~ 8206748 (+)
G86577 NA non-coding downstream 105869 8291843 ~ 8292062 (+)
G86593 NA non-coding downstream 158695 8344669 ~ 8344968 (+)
msrb1b msrb1b,LOC100705913 other upstream 73224 8105148 ~ 8106780 (+)
LOC122355675 NA other upstream 335921 7815823 ~ 7844083 (+)
G86143 NA other upstream 871775 7307924 ~ 7308229 (+)
G86142 NA other upstream 875156 7303138 ~ 7304848 (+)
G86029 NA other upstream 1657433 6521829 ~ 6522571 (+)
hbbe2 hbbe2,LOC107734191,LOC105910203 other downstream 9990 8195964 ~ 8197904 (+)
arsg arsg,LOC107734203,LOC107660857,LOC107692046,LOC107554066 other downstream 650474 8836448 ~ 8852449 (+)
pkd1b LOC107723630,LOC107665861,LOC107556563 other downstream 1099689 9285663 ~ 9306831 (+)
mfsd8 mfsd8,LOC107738985,LOC107556570 other downstream 1470695 9656669 ~ 9664139 (+)
LOC122355274 shisa9a,LOC107584108,LOC107734251,LOC107669237,LOC107554036,LOC107731434,LOC107692077 other downstream 1571273 9757247 ~ 9767228 (+)


Co-expression Network