pnpo (pnpo,LOC107743793,LOC107754092,LOC107563779,LOC107677888,LOC107565739)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id pnpo
gene name pnpo,LOC107743793,LOC107754092,LOC107563779,LOC107677888,LOC107565739
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056710.1
NCBI id CM032079.1
chromosome length 20499150
location 12668222 ~ 12671939 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
pnpo Predicted to enable pyridoxamine-phosphate oxidase activity. Predicted to be involved in pyridoxal phosphate biosynthetic process. Predicted to act upstream of or within pyridoxine biosynthetic process. Is expressed in several structures, including digestive system; female organism; male organism; nervous system; and spleen. Used to study pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase deficiency. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase deficiency. Orthologous to human PNPO (pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase).


pyridoxine-5'-phosphate oxidase isoform X1


id name namespace
GO:0055114 oxidation-reduction process biological_process
GO:0008615 pyridoxine biosynthetic process biological_process
GO:0010181 FMN binding molecular_function
GO:0004733 pyridoxamine-phosphate oxidase activity molecular_function


id description
K00275 pdxH, PNPO; pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043254036.1 True 2021 mRNA 0.41 7 12668222 12671939


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
tbx21 tbx21,LOC107565723,LOC107563776,LOC107677868 coding upstream 14497 12638139 ~ 12653725 (+)
tbkbp1 tbkbp1,LOC107565677,LOC107754096,LOC107677885,LOC107743771 coding upstream 61121 12567081 ~ 12607101 (+)
cdk5r1b cdk5r1b,cdk5r1,LOC107568950,LOC107565647,LOC107754098,LOC107675021,LOC107691215,LOC108426451 coding upstream 181039 12482052 ~ 12487183 (+)
LOC122355615 LOC107754112,LOC107689267,LOC107743783,LOC107566616,LOC107691214,LOC107568947 coding upstream 210367 12451994 ~ 12457855 (+)
LOC122355068 uts2r,LOC107552777,LOC107754100,LOC107689263,LOC107577513,LOC107743796,LOC107691210 coding upstream 265361 12372428 ~ 12402861 (+)
cdk5rap3 cdk5rap3,LOC107754106 coding downstream 5761 12677700 ~ 12683617 (+)
nfe2l1b nfe2l1,nfe2l1b,LOC107565927,LOC107754105,LOC107743763,LOC107563780,LOC107677875 coding downstream 19579 12691518 ~ 12697239 (+)
phkg2 phkg2,LOC107743765,LOC107675026,LOC107563781,LOC107566018 coding downstream 37472 12709411 ~ 12714672 (+)
rnf40 LOC107754088,LOC107675023,LOC107743762,LOC107565773,LOC107677883,LOC107563784 coding downstream 45351 12717290 ~ 12730928 (+)
znf668 znf668,LOC107675019,LOC107754087,LOC107743759,LOC107563787,LOC108426467 coding downstream 74612 12746551 ~ 12750006 (+)
G87753 NA non-coding upstream 109490 12556682 ~ 12558732 (+)
G87718 NA non-coding upstream 190313 12476805 ~ 12477909 (+)
G87669 NA non-coding upstream 428021 12239783 ~ 12240201 (+)
G87665 NA non-coding upstream 509714 12158246 ~ 12158508 (+)
G87664 NA non-coding upstream 510407 12157586 ~ 12157815 (+)
G87891 NA non-coding downstream 228133 12900072 ~ 12900399 (+)
G87934 NA non-coding downstream 524045 13195984 ~ 13197074 (+)
G87979 LOC107755539,LOC107566694,LOC107702418,LOC107708141,LOC107689963 non-coding downstream 677010 13348949 ~ 13383848 (+)
G87981 NA non-coding downstream 688375 13360314 ~ 13361050 (+)
G88010 NA non-coding downstream 757474 13429413 ~ 13431559 (+)
nbr1a nbr1,LOC107669491,LOC107706899,LOC107582742,LOC107727312,LOC107666919 other upstream 722587 11936841 ~ 11945635 (+)
hoxb6b hoxb6b,LOC107669478,LOC107706870,LOC107582852,LOC107552740,LOC107666911,LOC107727299 other upstream 784125 11882151 ~ 11884097 (+)
G87315 zeb1b,LOC107666916,LOC107706887,LOC107727309,LOC107582755,LOC107552760,LOC107669492 other upstream 966567 11694844 ~ 11701655 (+)
svila LOC107686370,LOC107657481,LOC107584371,LOC107749370,LOC107549408 other upstream 2085677 10523143 ~ 10582545 (+)
LOC122355633 rhoq other upstream 2168524 10497425 ~ 10499698 (+)
G87817 NA other downstream 60825 12732764 ~ 12737649 (+)
gall si:rp71-1c10.8,LOC107677873,LOC107743798,LOC107675007,LOC107566084,LOC107754084,LOC107563807 other downstream 88435 12760374 ~ 12762731 (+)
G88016 NA other downstream 770004 13441943 ~ 13444915 (+)
G88082 NA other downstream 923855 13595794 ~ 13596348 (+)
gucy2g gucy2g,LOC107702423,LOC107755438,LOC107722192,LOC107581632,LOC107684125,LOC107571103,LOC108273537 other downstream 1183756 13855695 ~ 13864743 (+)


Co-expression Network