si:dkey-11p23.7 (si:dkey-11p23.7,LOC107717350,LOC107666731,LOC107600543)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id si:dkey-11p23.7
gene name si:dkey-11p23.7,LOC107717350,LOC107666731,LOC107600543
gene type coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056714.1
NCBI id CM032083.1
chromosome length 28146790
location 20764638 ~ 20767365 (-)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
si:dkey-11p23.7 Predicted to be involved in regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization; regulation of bone resorption; and regulation of osteoclast development. Predicted to be located in membrane. Predicted to be integral component of membrane. Predicted to be active in plasma membrane. Orthologous to human SIGLEC15 (sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 15).


PREDICTED: sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 15



id description
K16352 SIGLEC15; sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 15


RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
XM_043260062.1 True 1059 mRNA 0.52 3 20764638 20767365


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
aste1a LOC107666773,LOC107717364,LOC107600542 coding downstream 22966 20736949 ~ 20741672 (-)
ubxn11 LOC107600501,LOC107592913,LOC107713843,LOC107668295 coding downstream 58308 20699997 ~ 20706330 (-)
mtdhb LOC107666798,LOC107717360,LOC107600499,LOC107668302,LOC107592090 coding downstream 77761 20681425 ~ 20686877 (-)
si:ch211-225p5.8 LOC107686707,LOC107592124,LOC107666781,LOC107719166,LOC107737837,LOC107600541 coding downstream 156736 20604089 ~ 20607902 (-)
fli1rs fli1b,LOC107600493,LOC107719147,LOC107666785,LOC107685964,LOC107592185 coding downstream 171811 20580282 ~ 20592827 (-)
LOC122360416 nek11 coding upstream 58863 20826228 ~ 20866224 (-)
LOC122360415 LOC107592535,LOC107666756,LOC107686539,LOC107709748,LOC107556976,LOC107733997 coding upstream 271158 21038523 ~ 21039535 (-)
LOC122360412 nek11,LOC107666729 coding upstream 288935 21056300 ~ 21102468 (-)
LOC122360714 NA coding upstream 335362 21102727 ~ 21105217 (-)
LOC122360614 scap,LOC107600505,LOC107717374,LOC107591983,LOC107668298,LOC107713836,LOC107666822 coding upstream 353404 21120769 ~ 21138481 (-)
G114924 NA non-coding downstream 38967 20724171 ~ 20725671 (-)
G114908 NA non-coding downstream 84417 20677054 ~ 20680221 (-)
G114888 NA non-coding downstream 187364 20576686 ~ 20577274 (-)
G114853 NA non-coding downstream 244512 20500520 ~ 20520126 (-)
G114804 NA non-coding downstream 278511 20485895 ~ 20486127 (-)
G114943 NA non-coding upstream 1379 20768744 ~ 20769087 (-)
G114947 NA non-coding upstream 14438 20781803 ~ 20835235 (-)
G114997 NA non-coding upstream 350784 21118149 ~ 21120584 (-)
G115042 si:dkey-22o22.2,LOC107668308,LOC107713796,LOC107592533,LOC107666790,LOC107717379,LOC107600533 non-coding upstream 516099 21283464 ~ 21314746 (-)
G115051 NA non-coding upstream 563647 21331012 ~ 21331358 (-)
G114901 NA other downstream 111064 20651977 ~ 20653574 (-)
scn1ba scn1b,scn1ba,LOC107666845,LOC107737825,LOC107719111,LOC107686587 other downstream 113701 20636125 ~ 20650937 (-)
G114793 NA other downstream 312188 20441965 ~ 20452450 (-)
G114715 NA other downstream 586880 20166795 ~ 20177758 (-)
dpys dpys,LOC107728457,LOC107686378,LOC107666745 other downstream 1106914 19596432 ~ 19657724 (-)
G115003 cpne4a,LOC107592564,LOC107600547,LOC107666882,LOC107713817 other upstream 245242 21012607 ~ 21017105 (-)
G115093 plekhf2,LOC107666819,LOC107600513,LOC107668314,LOC107591926 other upstream 608525 21375890 ~ 21378836 (-)
mettl6 mettl6,LOC107600537 other upstream 642594 21409959 ~ 21411772 (-)
trnae-cuc_38 NA other upstream 642595 21409960 ~ 21410031 (-)
G115116 NA other upstream 792856 21560221 ~ 21561216 (-)


Co-expression Network