
Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G140747
gene name NA
gene type non-coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056718.1
NCBI id CM032087.1
chromosome length 27616869
location 21732575 ~ 21735672 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome





id name namespace
GO:0016064 immunoglobulin mediated immune response biological_process
GO:0002250 adaptive immune response biological_process
GO:0002263 cell activation involved in immune response biological_process
GO:0042113 B cell activation biological_process
GO:0016444 somatic cell DNA recombination biological_process
GO:0002285 lymphocyte activation involved in immune response biological_process
GO:0016445 somatic diversification of immunoglobulins biological_process
GO:0016447 somatic recombination of immunoglobulin gene segments biological_process
GO:0002562 somatic diversification of immune receptors via germline recombination within a single locus biological_process
GO:0002312 B cell activation involved in immune response biological_process
GO:0045190 isotype switching biological_process
GO:0002366 leukocyte activation involved in immune response biological_process
GO:0002377 immunoglobulin production biological_process
GO:0002381 immunoglobulin production involved in immunoglobulin-mediated immune response biological_process
GO:0002440 production of molecular mediator of immune response biological_process
GO:0002460 adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains biological_process
GO:0002200 somatic diversification of immune receptors biological_process
GO:0002204 somatic recombination of immunoglobulin genes involved in immune response biological_process
GO:0019724 B cell mediated immunity biological_process
GO:0002208 somatic diversification of immunoglobulins involved in immune response biological_process



RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU207804 True 1357 lncRNA 0.39 2 21732575 21735672


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
esrrgb esrrgb,LOC107685376,LOC107697200,LOC107550385,LOC107719365,LOC107708321 coding upstream 51655 21668066 ~ 21680920 (+)
gpatch2 LOC107708325,LOC107593261,LOC107685352,LOC107550410 coding upstream 67641 21656663 ~ 21664934 (+)
dnmt3aa LOC107593266,LOC107721450,LOC107685348 coding upstream 111504 21583612 ~ 21621071 (+)
dtnba LOC107721443,LOC107685345,LOC107593267,LOC107550403 coding upstream 151041 21556765 ~ 21581534 (+)
LOC122324300 kif3c,LOC107690993,LOC107593268,LOC107697206,LOC107721442,LOC107719402 coding upstream 182551 21534504 ~ 21550024 (+)
fosab LOC107697196,LOC107719360,LOC107685356,LOC107550415,LOC107742716 coding downstream 30742 21766414 ~ 21768602 (+)
tmed10 tmed10,LOC107697197,LOC107685358,LOC107593259,LOC107550417 coding downstream 35620 21771292 ~ 21774369 (+)
eif2b2 eif2b2,LOC107719358,LOC107685362,LOC107697194,LOC107742715 coding downstream 39212 21774884 ~ 21779245 (+)
rmdn3 rmdn3,LOC107593256,LOC107685363,LOC107719355,LOC107697192 coding downstream 52287 21787959 ~ 21794143 (+)
bmf2 LOC107550420,LOC107593255,LOC107719427,LOC107685367 coding downstream 81531 21817203 ~ 21824119 (+)
G140698 NA non-coding upstream 33317 21698421 ~ 21699258 (+)
G140721 NA non-coding upstream 95381 21636509 ~ 21637194 (+)
LOC122325460 NA non-coding upstream 179461 21551685 ~ 21553114 (+)
G140691 NA non-coding upstream 213599 21516791 ~ 21518976 (+)
G140707 NA non-coding upstream 244332 21483605 ~ 21488243 (+)
LOC122325564 NA non-coding downstream 294 21735966 ~ 21738747 (+)
G140784 NA non-coding downstream 104551 21840223 ~ 21840465 (+)
G140786 NA non-coding downstream 109161 21844833 ~ 21845453 (+)
G140788 NA non-coding downstream 111142 21846814 ~ 21847021 (+)
G140792 NA non-coding downstream 114090 21849762 ~ 21850135 (+)
ipo13b ipo13,LOC107745904,LOC107593276,LOC107697216,LOC107691006 other upstream 530613 21168775 ~ 21201962 (+)
G140533 NA other upstream 630065 21101768 ~ 21102510 (+)
LOC122324654 cox7a2b,LOC107745918,LOC107719436,LOC107704035,LOC107669441,LOC107548419 other upstream 940872 20789876 ~ 20791703 (+)
LOC122324291 NA other upstream 1058186 20673461 ~ 20674389 (+)
trdn LOC107602167,LOC107727612,LOC107675223 other upstream 1140416 20554113 ~ 20592159 (+)
G140785 NA other downstream 108474 21844146 ~ 21844701 (+)
ubxn2a LOC107742702,LOC107600119,LOC107603085,LOC107697178,LOC107750080,LOC107667622 other downstream 736089 22471761 ~ 22476774 (+)
fkbp1b fkbp1b other downstream 771055 22506727 ~ 22517683 (+)
matn3a matn3a other downstream 1008740 22744412 ~ 22754161 (+)
si:ch211-203k16.3 LOC107549701,LOC107603096,LOC107697150,LOC108424433,LOC108257753 other downstream 1107133 22842805 ~ 22860327 (+)


Co-expression Network