G156843 (tktb,LOC108410447,LOC107671986,LOC103046877,LOC107737598)

Basic Information

Item Value
gene id G156843
gene name tktb,LOC108410447,LOC107671986,LOC103046877,LOC107737598
gene type non-coding
species tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona)
category of species ornamental fish

Chromosome Information

Item Value
chromosome id NC_056721.1
NCBI id CM032090.1
chromosome length 19062720
location 11827741 ~ 11926375 (+)
genome version ASM1883169v1_2021_tiger_barb_Genome




symbol description
tktb Predicted to enable thiamine pyrophosphate binding activity and transketolase activity. Is expressed in several structures, including alar plate midbrain region; digestive system; eye; midbrain; and yolk. Orthologous to several human genes including TKTL2 (transketolase like 2).


Tkt protein




RNA id representative length rna type GC content exon number start site end site
TU232268 False 895 lncRNA 0.39 2 11904890 11925798
TU232272 True 1280 lncRNA 0.41 4 11827741 11926375


gene id symbol gene type direction distance location
emd LOC107737610,LOC107671981,LOC107712726,LOC107560939,LOC107699568,LOC107570273 coding upstream 27825 11796494 ~ 11799916 (+)
flna flna,LOC107737611,LOC107712729,LOC107570276,LOC107699576 coding upstream 33008 11762429 ~ 11794733 (+)
dnase1l1 dnase1l3,LOC107737612,LOC107672041,LOC107560934,LOC107570280,LOC107712731 coding upstream 85870 11738795 ~ 11741871 (+)
abhd6b abhd6b,LOC107737716,LOC107712730,LOC107560889,LOC107671974,LOC107699577 coding upstream 101249 11723156 ~ 11726492 (+)
flnb LOC107737717,LOC107560870,LOC107671935 coding upstream 105455 11705759 ~ 11722286 (+)
tnnc2.1 si:rp71-17i16.4,LOC107737591,LOC107568845,LOC103044939,LOC108434838,LOC103362008,LOC102782874 coding downstream 122386 12048761 ~ 12060362 (+)
tnnc2.2 tnnc2,LOC107699597,LOC107593400,LOC107672048,LOC107737590,LOC107568846,LOC108276484,LOC108233126,LOC108434847,LOC102220434 coding downstream 135341 12061716 ~ 12064341 (+)
slc35c2 slc35c2,LOC107737589,LOC107712705,LOC107672033,LOC107699599 coding downstream 140730 12067105 ~ 12074465 (+)
LOC122329002 LOC107737588,LOC107712700,LOC107672031,LOC107699598,LOC101884357 coding downstream 149878 12076253 ~ 12098773 (+)
dpm1 dpm1,LOC107671953,LOC107737709,LOC107712706,LOC107699600 coding downstream 172647 12099022 ~ 12101573 (+)
G156823 LOC107560942,LOC107737604,LOC107712727,LOC107672007 non-coding upstream 4897 11763707 ~ 11822844 (+)
G156828 NA non-coding upstream 92804 11734256 ~ 11734937 (+)
G156701 NA non-coding upstream 171361 11655795 ~ 11656380 (+)
G156700 NA non-coding upstream 172425 11654916 ~ 11655316 (+)
G156699 asb14b,LOC107560887,LOC107671999,LOC107737718 non-coding upstream 173124 11654255 ~ 11654617 (+)
G156881 LOC107737595,LOC107671985,LOC107568839 non-coding downstream 20309 11946684 ~ 11972922 (+)
LOC122328486 NA non-coding downstream 103771 12030146 ~ 12037888 (+)
G156933 NA non-coding downstream 248155 12174530 ~ 12174915 (+)
G156931 NA non-coding downstream 277881 12204256 ~ 12205395 (+)
G157079 NA non-coding downstream 313474 12239849 ~ 12241401 (+)
kctd6b kctd6b,rpl10,rl10,LOC107671957,LOC107570288,LOC107737715,LOC107560935,LOC108436290,LOC103399204,LOC107672042 other upstream 81171 11697414 ~ 11746570 (+)
LOC122328549 smim4,LOC107560937,LOC107671967,LOC107737614,LOC107712735,LOC107699582,LOC107570283 other upstream 95380 11730980 ~ 11732361 (+)
G156586 NA other upstream 650708 11174421 ~ 11177033 (+)
LOC122328437 LOC107737657,LOC107560901,LOC107671993,LOC108435244,LOC108275530 other upstream 742137 11077154 ~ 11085604 (+)
G156497 trim101,LOC107671958,LOC107560876,LOC107719918,LOC107656995,LOC107747989 other upstream 903753 10913904 ~ 10923988 (+)
LOC122328708 LOC107737579,LOC107672049,LOC107565833,LOC107712694,LOC107687392,LOC566587,LOC107593419 other downstream 319818 12246193 ~ 12251982 (+)
c1qtnf12 fam132a,LOC107591142,LOC107716139,LOC107593919,LOC107687484 other downstream 2167703 14094078 ~ 14126201 (+)
si:dkey-151g10.3 LOC107737519,LOC107716153,LOC107593909,LOC107668334,LOC107673054 other downstream 2373326 14299701 ~ 14343274 (+)
pkig pkig,LOC107737509,LOC107673080,LOC107574720,LOC107564651 other downstream 2677418 14603793 ~ 14636817 (+)
itih6 LOC107737505,LOC107673092,LOC107574689,LOC107695841,LOC107716181,LOC107564649 other downstream 2683154 14609529 ~ 15153978 (+)


Co-expression Network